Health insurance in your country

Are you planning to travel, study abroad or expatriate to a foreign country? The number of international students, travelers and expatriates is constantly on the rise (putting aside the years linked to Covid-19, which blur many points of reference… We can help you prepare for your stay abroad. You’ll find all our advice on organizing your trip abroad, from administrative formalities such as visas, to practical information and places not to be missed. More specifically, Mondassur can help you find the best international health insurance by comparing the coverage and rates of a wide range of insurances in your destination country.

Find information by country and continent: Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Oceania.


Which healthcare system for each country?

Selon le pays où vous allez vivre, étudier ou voyager, votre couverture santé peut être différente. Le Global Health Security Index ou GHS évalue les systèmes de santé de près de 200 pays dans le monde. Différents critères d’évaluation sont utilisés: infrastructures médicales, risques politiques, environnementaux, fragilité du système de santé public…etc.

La carte ci-dessus présente le niveau des infrastructures médicales qui permet de savoir si vous pourrez être soigné dans votre pays de destination pour tous problèmes de santé. Sinon il faudra pour certaines pathologies vous faire rapatrier dans un autre pays. Une assurance santé à l’étranger est indispensable pour les pays ne bénéficiant pas d’infrastructures médicales adaptées. Une assurance est aussi indispensable dans les autres pays tout simplement pour couvrir vos frais médicaux puisque vous n’êtes plus dans votre pays d’origine où vous bénéficiez d’une couverture santé. Vous pouvez être ruiné par un problème de santé dans des pays comme par exemple les Etats-Unis, le Canada, Singapour, la Chine. Les tarifs médicaux peuvent être très élevés. Une assurance santé pour l’étranger couvrira vos frais de santé. On ne parle pas d’une consultation ou d’un médicament mais on parle ici de VRAIS problèmes de santé, notamment de maladies infectieuses, de maladies redoutées ou de traumatologies suite à des accidents de la route ou de la vie impliquant une hospitalisation avec des frais de santé bien au delà de 50.000€ et beaucoup plus.

Living abroad

Why move abroad? Job opportunities, the attractions of a country or culture, love, personal challenge or political reasons.
Where to go? The possibilities are endless. The most economically dynamic countries are the most attractive to expatriates. This is the case for many Asian countries: China, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand. It’s true that difficulties in obtaining visas in certain countries, such as the United States and Japan, can put the brakes on expatriate desires. Nevertheless, these countries remain highly sought-after destinations, offering a wealth of opportunities. The African continent and Latin America are not to be outdone. Countries such as Senegal, Brazil and Chile are frequent destinations for multinational companies.

This will give you a better understanding of the specifics of local healthcare systems, and help you identify the essential criteria to take into account when choosing your international expatriate insurance.

Studying abroad

Why study abroad? Universities are increasingly setting up exchange partnerships for their students. Proficiency in a foreign language has become an essential skill on the job market, in all sectors of activity. It’s an asset that reflects a more open mind. So doing an internship abroad or taking part in a university exchange program is a plus for a student’s future career.

Where to go? The number one priority for a majority of students wishing to do an erasmus abroad is to improve their level of English. So destinations like the USA, Canada, Ireland, the UK (to a lesser extent since the Brexit…) or Australia in Oceania are very popular.
In the United States, the medical insurance required by American universities is very important. It must meet a high number of criteria, including coverage for hospitalization, routine medical care and repatriation. Mondassur offers student insurance in the USA that meets the requirements of 98% of the more than 4,000 American universities.
Asian countries (China, South Korea…) are also very popular with students wishing to find an internship abroad or continue their studies.

Mondassur offers a range of international student insurance plans. They can be adapted to your country of origin, your destination, the length of your stay and the purpose of your stay: study, internship or summer job.

Travelling abroad

Why travel abroad? Whether it’s a road-trip lasting several months or a family summer vacation, there’s no better way to discover new cultures and landscapes. We’ll advise you on the best times to go, the must-see cities and the essential steps to take before you leave, such as taking out travel insurance.

We’ll help you compare travel insurance offers , so that you get a contract with cover tailored to your type of stay (individual traveler, organized trip), depending on the destination and the medical facilities available to a traveler.

Choosing the right international medical insurance

The Mondassur team, specialists in international health insurance for over 15 years, can advise you on the best insurance for your trip abroad, and compare the bestexpatriate or travel insurance policies according to your budget, the length of your stay, your situation and the coverage you require.

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