Young graduates are increasingly likely to move abroad once they have finished their studies. But why do they want to leave?

In France, according to a recent survey*, one in four young people find their first job abroad, the main reason being the difficulty of finding a job. Young French people look for a job for an average of 15 weeks before finding one, and some never even get an interview. Their preferred destinations are the UK and Germany.
It’s worth noting that young people who have graduated from the grandes écoles are usually able to find work, which makes them the best off against unemployment!
This expatriation phenomenon is well established throughout the European zone, particularly for countries in difficult economic situations such as Spain and Italy.
It’s obviously easier for young Europeans to be mobile in the European zone, with the many European programs like Erasmus and the fact that they don’t need a visa to work anywhere in Europe!
*Opinion Way survey conducted from November 7 to 12, 2013 among 505 young people aged 18 to 34, using the quota method.