If you’re going abroad, what does social security cover?

If you’re going abroad, will French social security cover you?

Depending on your destination, the length of your stay, your professional situation and your needs, the answer to this question varies widely , and is often case-by-case.

However, you should be aware that France has signed bilateral agreements with certain countries, particularly those of the European Union , enabling it to cover the cost of healthcare and other social benefits (old age, disability, unemployment, etc.) with the country of residence.

If you’re going to a European Union country and you’re still affiliated to the French social security system, which varies according to the length of your stay and your situation (student, pensioner, seconded worker… etc.), it may be worthwhile taking out a supplementary health insurance package specifically for international travel.

The other option available to you is to take out what is known as ” 1st euro” insurance, which reimburses your healthcare costs without any intervention by the French social security system or the local healthcare system. This option is often the most attractive financially, and allows you to avoid numerous complications (waiting times, reimbursement delays, choice of doctors outside the local system, direct payment of hospitalization costs by the insurance company and not by you… etc.). This is generally the solution for countries outside the European Union. It is often the only solution if there is no agreement between France and your host country, or if the local healthcare system is of poor quality.

If you return from an expatriation, you will be immediately covered by French social security if you are working in France (as an employee or self-employed), if you are a student, a job seeker or a pensioner. You will need complementary health insurance. On the assureo.fr website, you’ll find detailed information on how the French Social Security system works, as well as health insurance coverage. You can also make an online quote or edit comparison tables to help you evaluate complementary health insurance offers.

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