Why use an insurance broker?
As a specialist international insurance broker, we guarantee you the widest choice of insurance products, and advise you on the most suitable insurance for your needs, family situation and country of residence. We negotiate the best rates for you with leading insurers.
We work with all the major insurers
We work with the world’s leading managers and insurers (GAN, AIG, ALLIANZ, GENERALI…etc.) to offer you the best cover 24/7. We help expatriates, students, tourists and the self-employed to find health insurance abroad offering excellent guarantees, impeccable service quality and reliability, particularly in terms of cover and reimbursements, at competitive prices.
We offer you the right insurance policy for your needs and your project
An insurance broker specialized in international business will help you compare policies to find the one best suited to your needs and situation. Our specialization enables us to offer specific contracts for each situation, providing the best cover at very competitive rates.
We also carry out international mobility audits on behalf of companies with an international presence, to help you optimize your international insurance conditions and harmonize your coverage with that of your local employees.
Contact us for any information or claim
The mondassur.com website is owned by DIXIAL, an insurance brokerage company with capital of 50,000 euros – Siret No. 484 572 342 00042 – N°ORIAS 07 034 691 under the authority of the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel. Financial guarantee and professional liability insurance in compliance with the French Insurance Code. If you have a complaint, please contact us directly by email and we will deal with your request as quickly as possible. In the event of difficulties relating to the conditions of application of your insurance contract, beneficiaries may also contact the insurer’s Consumer Service Department. If, after examining the claim, the disagreement persists, the Beneficiary may contact the insurer’s Claims Department. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you may request the opinion of the insurer’s Mediation officer, without prejudice to other legal avenues of action. Contact details are given in the general terms and conditions of your insurance contract.
Your personal data remains confidential
The protection of your personal data is essential to us and we invite you to consult our policy on confidentiality and use of our services. Personal data concerning members (or concerning persons party to or interested in the contract) are processed in compliance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended, and with European Regulation n°2016/679/EU of April 27, 2016 and with the standards issued by the CNIL.
We work with the world's leading insurers