Why insure myself abroad?

Medical expenses abroad are often much higher than in France, and social security doesn’t cover you everywhere.
It’s essential to take out foreign insurance when you travel, study or work abroad, for a variety of reasons:


Financial risk

Healthcare costs vary widely from country to country, and can be very high in some countries. A day in hospital can cost up to €10,000 in North America. Insurance covers your healthcare costs and allows you to pay in advance in the event of hospitalization.

Health risk

In some parts of the world, medical facilities are very limited, and access to care must remain possible in a satisfactory medical environment. Our insurance offers repatriation assistance to compensate for local shortcomings.

Possible difficulties in accessing medical care: the public structures of some countries do not always allow a free choice of doctor or hospital, and delays in accessing care can be very long. Insurance covers private medical care, with a free choice of doctor or hospital, anywhere in the world.

Legal risk

In some countries, a simple traffic accident can result in imprisonment. As any summons to court is a destabilizing situation, this feeling is reinforced in an unfamiliar foreign context. Insurance generally includes legal protection.

Mondassur advises you on the most suitable foreign insurance for you

For over 15 years, Mondassur has been offering you insurance policies abroad with coverage that can be tailored to your specific needs. Our advisors will answer all your questions to help you choose the expatriate insurance that’s right for you, anywhere in the world. You can obtain a free quote directly online and compare the various insurance policies available for expatriates abroad.

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