Visas and Health in Nepal

Whatever your reason for visiting Nepal, be sure to take out travel or expatriate health insurance for you and your family. That way, you can leave with peace of mind and avoid any unexpected financial, health or legal risks. Cover for repatriation, hospitalization, civil liability and other emergency medical expenses is essential, whatever your destination.

Health insurance in Nepal

Political system: Parliamentary monarchy
Capital: Kathmandu
Surface area: 147,181 km²
Population: 29.3 million
Languages spoken: Nepali, English and local dialects
Currency: Nepalese rupee

Visas Nepal

All visitors, with the exception of Indians, require a visa, the duration of which can vary from 15 days to 2 months (with multiple entries). They can be extended for up to 3 months by applying on site for $50/month. Trekkers must obtain trekking permits, also issued locally.

Embassy of France in Kathmandu
Lazimpat – BP 452 – Kathmandu
Tel: 977 412 332 – 414 734
Fax: 977 418 288

Embassy of Nepal in Paris
45 bis, rue des Acacias – 75017 Paris
Fax :
E-mail :

Vaccines and Safety in Nepal


  • Compulsory vaccinations and certificates: Nothing in particular, except yellow fever for travellers from endemic areas.
  • Recommended vaccinations and certificates: be up to date on the vaccination calendar for typhoid, meningitis A and C, rabies, DTP, viral hepatitis A and B, and in the case of prolonged stays in rural areas, Japanese encephalitis.
  • Local diseases: insect bites can transmit malaria (in Tera¨ province), dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis. Contact with dogs or other wild animals that can transmit rabies. Food and beverage-related illnesses such as traveler’s diarrhea, salmonellosis, hepatitis A and E, and amoebiasis.


Be particularly vigilant, as petty thefts often occur, especially at tourist sites. From September to November, the festival season brings an increase in thefts, including snatchings, pickpocketings and burglaries. Pay particular attention to women traveling alone, as they are more likely to be subjected to violence, such as muggings or the rapist injecting drugs into their glass or bottle, although these cases are rarer (but on the increase). Although drugs have been banned since 1973, dealers continue to offer them to tourists, so don’t succumb to the risk of getting into serious trouble with the police.
Be particularly vigilant during the monsoon season (early June to late September), which is unevenly distributed across the country, with the south and east receiving more rain than the north and west. Floods and landslides are not uncommon and can be very deadly.
Because of the political risks involved, we strongly advise you to follow the country’s news on the embassy’s website, and to carry emergency numbers with you.

Health insurance in Nepal

Why take out international health insurance when traveling or living in Nepal? Quite simply because healthcare costs can quickly reach very high levels abroad. In addition, health insurance is compulsory in Nepal in order to receive treatment in a public or private establishment. Repatriation cover is also an essential criterion. In the event of a serious accident, medical repatriation to the nearest medical center or to the country of residence may be necessary. Depending on where you are at the time of the accident, and the medical prognosis, it may be necessary to charter a helicopter or medical aircraft.

Mondassur will assist you in your choice of health insurance in Nepal by helping you compare the different offers available on the market. Depending on your profile, we can offer you different types oftravel insurance,international student insurance andexpatriate insurance.

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