If you decide to travel to Lebanon for professional or personal reasons, for an internship or a vacation, we advise you to purchase travel insurance or expatriate health insurance to protect you and your family. This will help you avoid unexpected financial, health and legal risks. When choosing an international insurance policy, pay close attention to repatriation cover, hospitalization costs, civil liability and other emergency medical expenses.

Political system: Parliamentary Republic
Capital: Beirut
Surface area: 10,452 km²
Population: 6.082 million
Languages spoken: Arabic, French, English, Armenian
Currency: Lebanese pound
Visas Lebanon
If you are a French national, you need a visa to enter Lebanon. Watch out! Make sure your passport does not contain an Israeli visa or stamp. If you do, the Lebanese authorities will reject your visa application.
You can also obtain a visa on arrival at the visa counter at Beirut International Airport or other ports of arrival. Pay in dollars ($) or Lebanese pounds (LL). As a guide, the price of a 15-day visa is €39.
Ambassade de France à Beyrouth
Rue de Damas
Tel: 961 42 00 00
Fax: 961 42 00 13
Embassy of Lebanon in Paris
3, villa Copernic – 75116 Paris
Fax :
Vaccines and Safety in Lebanon
- Vaccines and compulsory certificates: Travelers from endemic areas must have a yellow fever vaccination certificate. We strongly recommend this certificate for all travelers. An HIV-negative certificate is required to obtain a residence permit. The authorities accept tests performed in Europe.
- Recommended vaccinations and certificates: You must be up to date on the vaccination calendar for typhoid, rabies, DTP, viral hepatitis A and B, and measles for children.
- Local diseases: risks linked to insects and animals include arbovirosis, rabies, hydatidosis, borreliosis and envenomation. You can catch common diseases such as tetanus, giardiasis, salmonellosis or amoebiasis after ingesting pollutants or germs from poorly washed food or contaminated drinks.
Firstly, the risk of terrorist attacks remains high. Terrorists use car bombs, suicide bombings and rocket attacks. Kidnapping and kidnapping can occur. Travel to the north, east and south of the country is formally advised against by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You should also keep up to date with the situation in the country at all times on the website of the French Embassy in Beirut or on France Diplomatie.
Health insurance in Lebanon
Why take out health insurance when traveling or living in Lebanon? Quite simply because healthcare costs can quickly reach very high levels abroad. In addition, health insurance is compulsory in Lebanon if you wish to be treated in a public or private establishment. Repatriation cover is also an essential criterion. In the event of a serious accident, medical repatriation to the nearest medical center or to the country of residence may be necessary. Depending on where you are at the time of the accident, and the medical prognosis, it may be necessary to charter a helicopter or medical aircraft.
Mondassur can help you choose your international health insurance by helping you compare the different offers on the market. Depending on your profile, we can offer you differenttravel insurance,international student insurance andexpatriate insurance packages.