Russia Visa Insurance for expatriates

General information on the Russian healthcare system

In order to set up today’s social security system, Russia had to embark on a major project in the 1990s to move away from the welfare system set up during the USSR. Today clarified, the situation obliges Russian residents to take out various insurance policies:

  • Pension insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Unemployment insurance
  • Insurance against work-related accidents and illnesses

Today, the vast majority of Russia’s almost 150 million customers are covered, which represented a huge challenge. The insurance system is financed partly by the Russian state and partly by employer contributions.


A Visa for Russia?

To enter Russia, whether to study, work or simply visit, you need a valid visa. There are several ways of obtaining this Visa, depending above all on your situation. If you are hired as a seconded employee or expatriate in Russia, your employer is required to provide you with the necessary visa at your place of business. If you’re just a traveler, you need to go to the Russian embassy or one of the consulates (Paris, Strasbourg, Marseille) with a passport photo, your passport and a letter of invitation from Russia to apply.

ATTENTION : to obtain a Russian Visa, you need to take out appropriate repatriation insurance ( ). Don’t hesitate to ask us for a free quote .

Do I need Russian Visa insurance?

For a simple trip to Russia: as it is compulsory to have repatriation insurance for Russia, we advise you to take out full Russia visa insurance. Rather than just providing repatriation insurance, insurance companies will generally offer you a full package of health cover (hospitalization, routine medical care, repatriation…), and they’re right to do so!

As an expatriate in Russia, you are covered by the social security system. Nevertheless, to cover the risks of your trip and solidify your coverage, we recommend that you take out Russia Visa insurance. This will enable you to take advantage of better healthcare facilities, better reimbursements, civil liability and repatriation insurance.

Safety risks in Russia

As the situation remains tense, we strongly advise against any travel to the Caucasus region. With its involvement in global conflicts, Russia is not exempt from terrorist risks. Remain vigilant and in the event of an incident, follow the rules dictated by the security guards. Russia is an immense territory, and it’s highly advisable to find out all you can about it before heading off to the remotest parts of the country . While delinquency is no greater than in Europe, the aim is not to get noticed. There are a few cases of xenophobia in Russia every year. Be careful where you go.

Health risks in Russia


Although hepatitis A is very discreet in our country, it is very present in Russia. To avoid contamination, we recommend that you only drink water from encapsulated bottles, and avoid tap water. Also pay attention to the food products you consume. Go for major brands and department stores


AIDS is a disease present in Russia. It is therefore very important to protect yourself, to be cautious and to avoid any risky situation.

Tick risks

When the warm weather arrives, ticks are legion in Russia and can transmit many viruses. So be particularly vigilant if you’re heading for the forests of Siberia.


Every year in Russia, there are several cases of H1N1 and bird flu. Depending on the case, the disease can be very serious or even fatal. To avoid any danger, avoid caged poultry in cities and wash your hands as often as possible. In case of doubt of transmission: consult a doctor immediately!


Cases of rabies have been reported in Russia. Avoid all contact with dogs you don’t know. If you are ever bitten , wash the wound immediately with soap and antiseptic and seek immediate medical attention .

Take out GoldExpat insurance for your expatriation to Russia

To support you in your expatriation to Russia, Mondassur offers GoldExpat, the ideal Russia Visa insurance for expatriates in the country. GoldExpat is :

  • Hospitalization reimbursed at 100% of actual costs incurred: a real necessity for Russian insurance. The costs of hospitalization in Russia are high, so it’s essential that you have 100% coverage in the event of an accident.
  • Third-party liability coverage: Being covered is one thing, but being covered for damage to others is quite another! Imagine causing property damage in Moscow. Naturally, we’ll cover the cost of your care. But if you don’t have third-party liability cover in your Russian Visa insurance, then the costs you have to pay to this third party won’t be covered by your insurance, and you risk going heavily into debt!
  • Repatriation cover: There are many cases or medical situations where repatriation to the country of origin is required or strongly recommended. Where the Vietnamese social security system will never cover repatriation, private health insurance may enable you to return home for treatment.

In all these situations and many more, Russia GoldExpat insurance covers you and guarantees immediate care for a very reasonable price.

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