For any stay in Mongolia, you’ll need a tourist visa and travel insurance to cover you in case of problems.

How do I obtain a visa for Mongolia?
To visit Mongolia, you’ll need a tourist visa. This visa is valid for 30 days from the date of entry.
To apply for a Mongolian visa, you need to go in person to the Mongolian embassy in Paris, Brussels or Geneva. If you can’t get there in person, there are a number of agencies offering to do it for you, for a fee. Issuance takes around two weeks.
Please also bear in mind that if you are taking the train via Russia, you will need a Russian visa.
Travel insurance required for your stay
Before you leave, you’ll need travel insurance to cover medical expenses, hospitalization and repatriation. In a country where medical infrastructures are still underdeveloped, especially in the countryside, it’s essential to be covered by good insurance!
Once there, if you need to use Mongolian medical services, you can ask them for invoices and supporting documents in English, so that when you return to France, your insurance company can reimburse you.