Taking out travel insurance is an essential and sensible measure for any type of stay abroad. Whether it’s a relaxing vacation, a round-the-world adventure, a rewarding international internship or a business trip. This insurance plays a key role in giving you peace of mind, covering a multitude of unforeseen situations that could arise during your absence.
In this article, we explore in detail the essential coverages that every travel insurance contract should include to offer you comprehensive protection. Note that a good insurance policy should include 24/7 assistance, capable of guiding you through any emergency, be it medical, legal or even the loss of important documents such as your passport.
A well-designed travel insurance contract is your best ally in avoiding hassles and ensuring that your stay abroad takes place in the best possible conditions. Get a free quote for your travel insurance today! And explore the various coverages included in each of our offers!

What cover do I need to choose the best travel insurance?
To choose the best travel insurance, you need to understand the different coverages available and make sure they meet your specific needs. Here’s a detailed analysis of the essential coverages to consider:
Reimbursement of medical expenses: routine care, pharmacy and hospitalization
Check that your healthcare costs are covered at 100% and that the contract provides for direct payment of costs in the event of hospitalization. This will help you avoid having to advance large sums of money. For less critical expenses such as medical consultations or medication, you will be reimbursed a few weeks after the “loss” on the basis of your invoices. Don’t forget to keep your medical bills!
Repatriation and assistance
The repatriation service is crucial, but rarely used. In the event of serious illness or accident, the costs associated with repatriation can be exorbitant. A good insurance policy includes not only medical repatriation, but also 24-hour assistance to help you in case of urgent need abroad.
In the event of death abroad, a good insurance policy will cover repatriation of the body, and may also cover payment of travel expenses for a family member. In addition, lump-sum death and disability benefits are often included, providing additional financial security for your beneficiaries.
Liability insurance
This insurance is essential, especially if you’re traveling to countries where the cost of damage to third parties can be very high. Imagine renting a car in California and causing an accident that injures a third party. Without liability insurance, this accident could ruin you….
Legal assistance is generally included in travel insurance contracts. On the other hand, liability for bodily injury or property damage to a third party is sometimes offered only as an option. Pay close attention to the contract you sign.
Trip cancellation / modification
This guarantee allows you to recover the costs of your reservations in the event of cancellation or modification of the trip for valid reasons (illness, serious family problems, etc.)
This guarantee is often offered as an option and must be taken out no later than 24 hours after the purchase of the plane tickets. This guarantee allows you to be reimbursed in the event of cancellation or modification of your trip.
Luggage insurance
Lost, stolen or damaged luggage can ruin a trip, especially if you’re carrying valuables. Some insurances include this coverage, while others offer it as an option. Evaluate the cost of this coverage in relation to the value of what you’re carrying.
If you’re going to specific countries like Senegal, for example, it’s essential to take particular local risks into account in your travel insurance. In fact, if you’re going to Senegal, don’t forget to take out travel insurance for Senegal!
In this type of destination, some insurance policies cover risks linked to tropical diseases or specific road accidents, which can be more frequent in certain regions. You should also ensure that your policy covers medical expenses in the event of treatment in local establishments, or the possibility of medical evacuation if necessary.
Mondassur, a broker specializing in travel insurance for over 20 years, offers you the right policy for your situation and destination. Request your online quote now.
Choosing your travel insurance should not be done lightly. We recommend that you contact our experts, who can provide you with a customized contract tailored to your specific needs. Take the time to compare offers and carefully read the terms and conditions of the various policies to ensure peace of mind during your travels.