Studying abroad? Going on a Working Holiday or Working Holiday Visa? Going around the world for several months?
This information concerns you absolutely!
Mondassur offers a range of insurance plans for optimum coverage. These health insurance plans for abroad cover you for your stays abroad as a student, for a working vacation visa and for any stay of several months abroad.

Here are the main advantages
About the ceilings and deductibles for our young people’s insurance abroad
- Your medical expenses are covered at 100% of actual costs, with no deductible, in the event of hospitalization, but also for any medical treatment outside hospitalization (e.g.: consultation with a doctor).
- Emergency dental treatment is now reimbursed at 100% of actual costs, and the ceiling for reimbursement of emergency dental treatment has been raised to 300 euros.
- Luggage theft ceiling and deductible: reimbursement of up to €3,000 per policyholder in the event of luggage theft during the stay.
Competitive international health insurance rates for students
- Our insurance plans for young people abroad offer very competitive rates, from €27 per month up to €84 per month if you meet certain insurance criteria. If you’re going to study abroad, spend a year at school, do an internship with a company or attend a language school to perfect your language skills, Mondassur has the international insurance you need.
For more information on Mondassur’s insurance for young people abroad, please consult our International Student Insurance pages, where you’ll find all our adapted offers.