Is the widespread prejudice that the French are bad at foreign languages true? Yes, according to a serious study carried out by the European Commission among over 50,000 high school students in 14 countries.

When it comes to English proficiency, the huge gap between France and Sweden is a striking revelation. According to the results of this study, 80% of Swedish teenagers were judged competent, compared with just 14% of their French peers.
Out-of-school practice has long been advocated, and many have taken the initiative to give themselves the best chance.
In 2012, the United States was the most successful market in terms of revenue, attracting 33% of students worldwide, just ahead of the UK (32%) and Canada (13.5%). At a time when more and more graduates are opting for expatriation, the stakes are high. Preparing for the future starts very early.
When you go abroad, remember to take out repatriation insurance for the whole world, or travel insurance for the USA or Canada.