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The Mondassur team

This page introduces you to some of the Mondassur team, who can answer your questions directly: advice on choosing your international insurance, partnerships... etc. Information to help you get to know them better, with their favorite destinations, their backgrounds and their passions.

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Katherine GRAFFIN, founder and CEO of Mondassur

Studies: Bachelor of Law and ESCP Europe business school

I’d like a day to last longer than 24 hours… so that I can take the time to accompany my customers on their travels to the 4 corners of the world, put a little gastronomy in my kitchen or be more involved with my children!

A trip to remember?

India is one of the world’s most fascinating countries in terms of its cultural, economic and social diversity. Many years ago, before the economic emergence of this great country, I had the chance to work on a humanitarian project in Puna and meet slum dwellers. I was amazed by the kindness and cheerfulness of the people, despite their destitute living conditions.

Her next travel destination?

I’ve traveled and lived in many different countries in Europe, North America (where I’ve also lived), Asia and Africa, but I still know very little about South America and can’t wait to discover this immense continent with its breathtaking landscapes and its inhabitants of very diverse origins.

Elise, International Business Developer

Studies: MBA International Management.

A trip to remember?

I’d say Israel, because the Dead Sea made a big impression on me. Also Italy, and more specifically Rome for its culture and history.

Her next travel destination?

The United States to see the Grand Canyon.

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photo rita

Rita, International Networks Manager

Studies: Bachelor of Applied Foreign Languages English-Spanish

A trip to remember?

Mexico for its cultural diversity, its landscapes, its gastronomy, and above all for the kindness and hospitality of its people.

Her next travel destination?

My dream would be to visit Japan for its exoticism. Its history and customs appeal to me enormously!

Gabriel, International Business Developer

Studies: Master’s degree in Civil Law, Master’s degree in Management and International Trade

A trip to remember?

My trip to Russia: it was during the World Cup in 2018, I stayed for 45 days. I loved the atmosphere and was pleasantly surprised by the openness of the locals.

Her next travel destination?

I’m planning to go to Iceland to hunt the northern lights.

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Diogo, Business Developer

Studies: BTS in Customer Relations Negotiation and Digitalization

A trip to remember?

I go back to Portugal regularly to see my family, which brings me closer to my culture and makes me feel at home. I feel calm and I love the traditions while being with my loved ones.

Her next travel destination?

Portugal, but I’d also like to go to Japan! It’s a different culture that I’d love to discover one day.

Ambre, Marketing Manager

Studies: Master in International Management

A trip to remember?

I really liked Nepal for its spiritual culture, unique atmosphere and food, and Oman for the desert landscapes and the hospitality of the locals.

Her next travel destination?

I’ll be going to Petra in Jordan for a camel ride!

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photo yasmine

Yasmine, Webmarketing Manager

Studies: Master in Digital Marketing

A trip to remember?

Portugal for its food, especially Portuguese pastries and Fado music.

Her next travel destination?

Egypt! I’d love to discover the Egyptian dialect and visit historic monuments like the pyramids and the Temple of Isis at Philae.

Natalie, Business Developer Partnerships

Studies: Master in Environmental Policy

A trip to remember?

I went to Italy in 2019 and visited Cinque Terre, Florence, Padua, Pisa, Verona and Venice. It was a very memorable trip for me, I felt like I was in paradise. It was summer, I swam a lot and ate well, and I have very fond memories of it.

Her next travel destination?

I’d really like to travel to Asia and visit Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. Australia and New Zealand also appeal to me. I’m particularly interested in the landscapes and nature there.

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Vukadin, Business Developer

Studies: Master in Business Development

A trip to remember?

I really enjoyed my recent trip to Amsterdam where I stayed in an Airbnb boat, I was immersed in nature.

Her next travel destination?

I’m planning to go to Scotland in the Highlands to enjoy one of the best views in the world. On my checklist, I’d also like to go to Japan and taste some of the best ramen in the world!

Elena, Sales Manager

Studies: Bachelor in Business Administration and Marketing

A trip to remember?

I really enjoyed my trips to Mexico, the United States, Europe, China and especially Australia, for its landscapes and the friendliness of the locals.

Her next travel destination?

I’d love to go to Japan or India, but first I’d like to go to South America to discover the culture, landscapes and food.

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photo cantaura

Cantaura, Sales Manager

Studies: Doctorate in Anthropology

A trip to remember?

I loved the Venezuelan steppes in Barinas, the endless flat landscapes impressed me. My trip to Brazil also left an indelible impression on me, especially when I entered the bay in Rio de Janeiro by boat. I imagined the journey of the first Portuguese settlers.

Her next travel destination?

Roraima, on the border between Venezuela and Brazil via the Amazon. There is a national park where you can visit the tepuys (high plateaus).

Alexi, SEO Project Manager

Studies: Master in Marketing and Digital Communication

A trip to remember?

In Iceland, I was lucky enough to see a volcanic eruption, geysers, glaciers and stunning scenery! All in just 10 days.

Her next travel destination?

I’d love to go to the Faroe Islands to hike in breathtaking landscapes, for the clean air and to get out of my comfort zone.

Mondassur team
Mondassur team

Daniela, Business Developer

Studies: Master in Marketing

A trip to remember?

I enjoyed all my travels, but the one that made the biggest impression on me was my trip to Israel, where I had the opportunity to visit Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, magical places steeped in history.

Her next travel destination?

I’m going to Japan! I want to discover the country’s culture, food and fashion.

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