The consequences of Brexit for travellers

After the Brexit referendum, the European Union and the United Kingdom signed a last-minute agreement a few days before the end of 2020 to agree on certain elements such as customs duties for numerous economic sectors, social protection or the Erasmus program definitively abandoned by the UK to give birth to the Turing program. It is no longer possible to live in the UK or for a Briton in the EU without a visa for periods of more than 90 days. The European Health Insurance Card no longer works in the UK, and it is now essential to take out international health insurance for any trip to the UK, study, internship or any stay of more than 90 days in the UK.


The disappearance of the healthcare system for European travellers

As a European citizen, you are entitled to the European Health Insurance Card, which allows you to receive treatment and reimbursement in another member country. With the exit of the European Union, this right is no longer valid on British territory, and you need to take out international health insurance for the UK to make the most of your stay. For international students in the UK, it is essential to take out health insurance to cover their stay. British citizens will need to take out travel insurance for all their trips toEurope, as their European Health Insurance Card will no longer be valid and accepted in other European countries.

Mondassur offers short- and long-stay travel insurance, student insurance abroad and all types of health insurance abroad to cover you from a few weeks to several years. Medical costs in the UK are among the highest in the world, and you need to protect yourself.

Cost of living rises across the UK

Since the referendum in 2016 and the British people’s desire to leave the European Union, sterling has fallen by around 15% against the euro. In this sense, prices have relatively increased, which has therefore had an impact on the price of travel to the UK. The UK is one of the most visited countries in Europe. Britons are also accustomed to traveling within Europe. An increase in prices could reduce the number of stays and thus have a negative impact on the tourism economy within the European Union. The UK’s abandonment of tax-free shopping is likely to limit London’s appeal as a shopping destination, as has been the case for many years.

Likewise, airlines are forecasting higher ticket prices. The main reason is that leaving the European Union means abolishing European agreements and treaties, notably the Open Skies Treaty. Since 2004, all airlines based in a member state have been able to operate freely throughout Europe.

New requirements for entering the UK

With the free movement of all citizens within Europe, all you need to travel is an identity card. Britons will need a visa and passport to visit the European Union, and these same documents will be required to enter the UK.

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