Testimony of Pascal, young French expatriate in Mexico

Pascal Burgard, author of the blog La Vida au Mexique, shares his rich and inspiring expatriation journey. Find out more about his journey to Mexico, via England and Ireland. Settled in Mexico since September 2007, he offers us a sincere and captivating look at his professional and cultural experiences abroad. If you’re planning an expatriation like his, it’s important to take out expatriate insurance in Mexico to make the most of your stay!

An expatriate vocation since childhood

Pascal describes himself as a “pure Alsatian”, but his mind has always been turned towards the unknown. From an early age, he was fascinated by English, a language that opened the doors to travel and adventure:

“A school trip to England at the age of 15 convinced me: one day I wanted to live abroad, discover a different culture and express myself in another language.”

His first experience abroad came at the age of 21, when he landed a summer job in England after a hundred rejections:

“It was an experience rich in adventure and discovery. I returned the following year for an internship studying applied physics, again in England.”

Ireland: an unexpected opportunity

On completing his studies, Pascal decided to continue his adventure in Ireland, a choice he describes as fortuitous. Arriving at the height of the Celtic Tiger era, he landed his first job at IBM, despite his limited computer skills:

“The Anglo-Saxon mentality advocates a ‘go for it attitude’. I was recruited for my ability to learn, not just my knowledge. I doubled my salary in three years, moving from IBM to HP, then to ACS.”

His career progressed rapidly, but after a few years, routine set in. Pascal decided to learn a new language:

“I chose Spanish almost arbitrarily. I didn’t speak a word of it, but I knew that this language could become my passport to new adventures.”

Mexico: a new stage

While studying Spanish, Pascal met a Mexican delegation at his company in Ireland. The opportunity for a transfer arose, and after six months of negotiations, he flew to Mexico in September 2007:

“I had never set foot in this country, but I knew it was the right choice. When I arrived, I discovered a world totally different from the one I knew.”

In this new environment, Pascal rediscovered the “go for it” mentality of North American companies and quickly climbed the ranks:

“At the age of 28, I was given a managerial position. A few years later, I became an architect at Dell, holding the most senior technical position at Dell Mexico.”

With this in mind, Mondassur can help you with  VIEau Mexique : mode d’emploi, for which it is important to be well prepared and insured.

A different career thanks to expatriation

Pascal is convinced that his career path would have been very different if he had stayed in France:

“I couldn’t have made such a simple transition from physics to IT. The progression would have been slower, and my age would have been a brake on my access to positions of responsibility.”

Expatriation has also enabled her tolearn other languages andbroaden her professional and personal horizons:

“Today, I speak five languages. Learning Spanish has opened doors for me, and living in Mexico has allowed me to flourish in a totally different environment.”

Life in Mexico: challenges and opportunities

Mexico offers Pascal an enriching culture shock, but he makes no secret of the difficulties he encounters:

“I was marked by practices like corruption or more violent situations, like kidnappings. These experiences may come as a shock, but they have given me a fairer view of the world.”

At the same time, he appreciates the cultural contrast with Alsace:

“Against the discipline of the Alsatians, the Mexicans are jovial, fraternal and messy. I’m probably less hard-working, but happier.”

Advice for future expatriates

For Pascal, the key to a successful expatriation lies in flexibility and openness:

“You may not find the job you’re looking for in the country that attracts you, but then what? Seize the opportunities and stay in control of your destiny.”

He also stresses the importance of being prepared for the unexpected, especially when it comes to healthcare:

Having the right health insurance is essential. Expatriation exposes you to different realities, and it’s essential to be covered to get the most out of the experience.”

A rewarding life in Mexico

With 13 years of expatriation under his belt, Pascal shows us that living abroad is a transformative experience. It requires preparation, resilience and the ability to adapt, but in return offers unique professional and personal opportunities.

If expatriation appeals to you, take inspiration from his experience: be alert to opportunities, keep an open mind and never underestimate the importance of protecting yourself with international health insurance tailored to your new life.

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