An epidemic of swine flu has been declared in Mexico , particularly in the capital, Mexico City, and in the state of San Luis Potosi to the north of Mexico City.
This type A H1N1 flu virus is transmitted, according to current knowledge, by droplets in exhaled air, particularly when sneezing, saliva or excrement.

The incubation period is one week. The virus is destroyed when cooked at over 70°c. Clinical symptoms are those usually observed during winter flu epidemics, i.e. fever, diffuse aches and pains, fatigue, nasal catarrh, cough… To date, no human-to-human transmission has been recorded outside Mexico, but such cases could occur at any time. Many countries have taken measures to control the arrival of aircraft from affected areas.
The virus is currently sensitive to Oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) and Zanamivir (Relenza®). This treatment must be taken only on prescription and on the advice of a physician. Careless use of these substances could lead to virus resistance in the medium term, making treatment more difficult.
Recommendations to follow
- Delay all unnecessary travel. A deterioration in the situation could lead to drastic restrictions on travel, particularly international travel.
2. For people living in Mexico, please follow the local recommendations carefully:
- Avoid going to public gatherings if your presence is not essential
- Avoid travelling to rural areas
- Wear masks when outdoors or in contact with sick people
- Wash hands frequently, especially before meals
- Consult a doctor immediately if symptoms appear
Anyone who has been back from Mexico for less than 10 days and notices symptoms should seek immediate medical advice, specifying their travels.
When visiting Mexico, remember to take out travel insurance, which is essential if you want to be better reimbursed in the event of a problem.