Foreign travelers and Cubans residing abroad are required to carry proof of travel insurance covering medical expenses to enter Cuba.

New regulations applicable to all foreigners and Cubans living abroad
The new regulations, in force since May 1, 2010, stipulate that “all travelers, foreigners and Cubans residing abroad” must, in order to enter the country, be in possession of documents attesting that they have taken out a travel insurance policy, covering medical expenses, issued by a broker or organization recognized by the Cuban authorities.
Foreigners staying temporarily on the island will have to be covered by medical insurance taken out with a “Cuban or foreign organization, provided it is accredited in Cuba”, according to the text approved by the Council of Ministers.
Diplomatic personnel and “representatives of international organizations accredited in Cuba” are exempt from this regulation.
We can advise you on the most suitableCuba travel insurance for your trip by requesting a quote via : Request a free quote