What kind of health insurance do you need when you live abroad?

Sep 10, 2024 09:43 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since May 2019
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Hello, I'm currently living in Singapore and would like to take out international insurance to be better covered in case of need.
I'd like comprehensive health insurance that covers emergencies as well as hospitalization, routine medical care, optical and dental care.
Which insurance should I choose?

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Sep 10, 2024


Thank you for your question! It is indeed important to be well insured when you are not in your home country, especially in Singapore, which is a very expensive country in terms of healthcare costs. For example, a simple blood test can cost 330 SGD, or around 230 euros and 250 USD. A consultation with a specialist, such as an ophthalmologist, can cost 150 SGD (105 euros and 115 USD). That's why we strongly advise you to take out comprehensive cover abroad, especially in Singapore. Mondassur offers a Gold Expat insurance policy with 3 different levels of cover to suit your needs and budget. Don't hesitate to request a quote directly online for your health insurance in Singapore - it's fast and free!

Have a nice day.

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