How can I obtain an insurance certificate for a long-stay visa (VLS)?

Jul 31, 2024 11:47 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since May 2019
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Hello, I'm American and I want to go to France for my studies: I'm going to do an internship in a company and I need a long-stay visa for interns (VLS-TS stagiaire).
I'd like to take out insurance for my long-stay visa in France. What do you recommend? Thank you!

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Jul 31, 2024


Thank you for your message! International health insurance is compulsory to obtain a VLS-TS long-stay visa. This is the case for long-stay visas in France and throughout the Schengen area. Mondassur offers insurance policies to help you obtain your VLS-TS long-stay visa.

If you're doing an internship as part of your studies, take out Gold Student insurance. If you are doing an internship independently of your studies, I suggest you take out Gold Start insurance.

These policies will be accepted by consulates to obtain your VLS-TS visa.

Enjoy your stay in France!

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