How can I take out expatriate insurance for myself and my family in Thailand?

Feb 29, 2024 05:23 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2023
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How can I apply for the Gold Expat plan for myself and my family in Thailand ? What documents are required ?

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Feb 29, 2024

Dear Paul,
Regarding the process and the list of documents required for subscription:
- online subscription :
- provide the following documents : passports (yours and those of your family members covered by the policy) and your bank account details for reimbursements
- complete your health questionnaire online yours and those of your family members covered by the policy) - wait for the decision of the medical board
- if your application is accepted, we'll send you a payment link so you can pay your premium.
- once payment has been made, we’ll email you a welcome pack with your insurance certificate, benefit details, membership cards and the access to your online personal online account.

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