How do I take out student insurance for Colombia?

Jul 16, 2024 02:52 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since May 2019
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I'm going to Colombia for a 4-month semester as part of my studies. I'd like to leave with peace of mind, so I'd like to take out international student insurance. How to apply and which health insurance for Colombia to choose?

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Jul 16, 2024


You're right to ask, the health system in Colombia is complex and health-related costs are high. An accident or unexpected illnesses can occur anytime! Mondassur offers several health insurance options for your studies in Colombia, but also if you're planning an internship. What's more, our international student insurance policies mean you're covered outside your country of residence, when you return temporarily to your home country on vacation, for example. The Gold Student contract is available in 3 different levels, to suit your needs in terms of cover and budget.

To subscribe, simply request a free quote for your student insurance in Colombia!

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