Studying abroad is almost every student’s dream: it’s an opportunity to travel, discover new horizons and cultures, learn a language and grow personally as you mature. It’s also a real asset on your CV, making it easier to find a job… In short, it’s a beneficial and unique experience that has nothing but advantages from every point of view. Nevertheless, there are certain mistakes you should not make or overlook during your stay abroad.
Preparing my stay abroad
Preparing your stay is undoubtedly the most important step.
First of all, get to know the country you’re going to. A destination may be your favorite, but vacationing there and living there are two very different things. Once you’re there, there’s no turning back! Research the city, its surroundings and your school or university in advance, looking at testimonials from other students, for example.
It is also essential to be prepared for the specific administrative requirements of the country in question. To know:
– A passport is mandatory if you are traveling outside the European Union
– An international student visa is required by certain countries
– Certain vaccines are mandatory for entry into certain countries, including the Covid-19 vaccine
– Health insurance for studies abroad is an essential step.
Taking out insurance to study abroad
No matter which country you go to, you won’t be covered in the same way as in your home country. For Europeans leaving on an Erasmus program, there’s the European Health Insurance Card, which facilitates health-related procedures in Europe. But even with this card, you’ll need insurance to cover uncovered medical expenses and repatriation assistance. If you’re outside Europe, you’ll need to take out international student insurance. Some universities require international students to take out international student medical insurance. They want to make sure that all international students are covered in case of problems. Make sure you’re well prepared before you leave by taking out international student insurance.
Many students go to study in America or Asia, such as China or Hong Kong. If this is your case, don’t forget to take out student insurance for Hong Kong today!
If you’re going to study in rarer, more exotic destinations like Mauritius, take out our student insurance for Mauritius!
In some countries, such as Canada, you can benefit from the local health care system with the RAMQ in Quebec, but it’s essential to supplement your coverage with international student insurance. This will cover you for care not covered by the local public health insurance system, back in your home country or during your internships or travels in another country.
Mondassur can advise you on the most suitable health insurance for your studies abroad, whether you are on Erasmus or not.
Finding accommodation for your studies abroad
If you’re lucky, your university will offer you on-campus housing or a partnership. If your university doesn’t offer you anything, turn to international student groups, of which there are many via social networks. There are several self-help Facebook groups, and many housing offers. You can also contact people at your home university who have been to your exchange university. Of course, you can also call on your network and contact local estate agents.
Plan a budget adapted to the foreign country
Your budget will depend on your destination country, which is why it’s important to research the cost of living (food, telephones, transport, outings, leisure activities, etc.) in advance. Don’t forget any unforeseen expenses (overruns on packages, equipment to be changed, repairs, etc.). Finally, if the end of the month is difficult, you can find a student job. It’s also important to think about the limit on the number of hours you can work with your “student” temporary residence permit or visa.
Emergency numbers abroad
You need to know the numbers of the fire department, the police and the equivalent of the Samu in the country where you’ll be staying. Make sure you know what to do and who to call in case of problems.
Visit the destination country and meet its inhabitants
Of course, you’re there to study, but visiting the country, your city of residence or meeting the locals will bring you as much and sometimes more than some courses… You’ll be there for months or even years, and it’s the perfect opportunity to learn more about the country’s culture, meet new people, try out the country’s culinary specialties and take part in must-do activities. What you’ll regret most are the things you didn’t dare to do!
Staying focused on your studies abroad…
On the contrary, some will surely have forgotten that they came as students, not tourists. Don’t neglect your courses, because it would be a pity if your experience were to damage your studies. It’s important to find a balance between social life and academic life. In fact, putting your social life ahead of your studies won’t get you through the year, and is a waste of money. If you receive a grant but do not attend classes regularly, you may be asked to repay the grant. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal of your stay is to succeed in your studies.
…And meet new people abroad
Trying things out for yourself can be instructive (visiting museums, monuments, etc.), but be careful not to get too lonely. Socialize with people from other cultures, exchange ideas with students from all backgrounds. There are only advantages to opening up to others for your personal fulfillment. For your own well-being, stay in touch with your loved ones back home. Take the opportunity to read our article on how to manage distance from loved ones when abroad.
Meet people from countries other than your own
When you don’t know, you tend to stay in your comfort zone. It’s much easier. But staying only with people from your home country will make it harder to open up to other cultures and improve your foreign language skills.
With these few tips, you can prepare for your departure and begin this new adventure as serenely as possible. It’s sure to leave a lasting impression. Happy studying abroad!