expatriate health insurance

Preparing for your employee’s expatriation

If you’re planning to send an employee to one of your subsidiaries abroad, you need to prepare for his or her departure and take all the necessary steps. Employee expatriation is not limited to work visa formalities. Supporting employees and their families, helping expatriates with language training… all this needs to be prepared in advance.


Taking stock of the expatriation process with your employee

The decision to expatriate one or more of your employees is a strategic one. For example: a company acquisition or merger, the conquest of new markets, the opening of a new subsidiary abroad, business development, export… Depending on the host country, the selection of the candidate for expatriation, his status or even the new employment contract will be different.
Certain points need to be discussed with your employee in order to best prepare him for expatriation. The essential points to consider are:
– Which host country and which city?
– How long will the assignment abroad last?
– What will the employee’s assignments be?
– How much will the employee be paid? His bonuses? Additional allowances for housing, relocation, cost-of-living differential, etc.
All the terms of the assignment must be set out in writing, in a contract.

What are the formalities to be completed before moving abroad?

A work visa

The aim is to prepare the immigration procedure. To enable your employee to work abroad, you’ll need a visa to obtain a work permit. In some countries, the possible visa depends on the remuneration granted; this is a point to be taken into account beforehand. A company will need to call in an immigration lawyer unless its foreign subsidiary or partner is experienced in preparing immigration files. The country advice section provides initial information on immigration formalities and work visas.

Social security coverage

It varies according to whether or not there is a social security agreement between the country of origin and the host country. Among the elements of social protection, the choice of complementary insurance to an existing social security scheme or expatriate insurance is essential.
As opposed to secondment, expatriation is defined as non-attachment to the social security system of one’s country of origin. Expatriate workers are obliged to contribute to the scheme in their country of residence. As they work for the receiving organization, which is also the one that pays them, they are no longer considered to be employees of their home company.

How to choose the best health insurance for your expatriate employee?

Mondassur can help you choose the best social protection for your expatriates abroad. Depending on the situation, you can opt for tailor-made expatriate insurance or choose existing expatriate insurance plans such asGoldExpat expatriate insurance. GoldExpat expatriate insurance offers a range of packages to suit all budgets. Your employee will be covered for 100% of hospitalization costs and 80 to 90% of actual medical expenses, depending on the expatriation insurance package chosen.
You should also consider taking out repatriation assistance coverage, in case of serious accident or medical emergency.

Taking care of expatriation-related administrative formalities

A number of steps need to be taken before moving abroad:
– Finding accommodation
– Preparing to move
– Setting up a bank account in the host country
– Social security formalities
– Obtaining or having your driver’s license recognized

Or let the expatriate manage these aspects himself. Or you can give him an allowance to pay the initial costs involved. Or you can suggest a relocation company that will manage the process for him. Some companies have sufficient experience and internal resources to support their employees in these areas, but this represents a minority of companies.

Thinking of the expatriate’s family

For the successful expatriation of an employee with family, preparation is all the more important.
There are a number of elements that need to be taken into account to ensure a successful installation, and therefore the success of the assignment. Essential elements include:

  • Schooling for children
  • Childcare
  • Helping your spouse find a job
  • Cross-cultural training

Keeping in touch with expatriates

The Human Resources department has a very important role to play in the smooth running of an employee’s expatriation.
Maintaining a relationship of exchange and trust throughout the expatriation period is an essential objective that must be ensured by the HR department. Maintaining regular contact and coaching expatriate employees can greatly contribute to the success of their stay abroad.

HR tools for international mobility

The international mobility service is supported by a range of operational tools. These include:
– The mission statement, which sets out the expectations of the company’s senior management who are applying for an international mobility position
– The country fact sheet, which sets out all the immigration procedures and practical details of expatriation. It presents the country’s economic, fiscal, social and societal issues.
A qualitative survey of mobile employees is highly recommended, and is an effective way of improving your own performance. It allows us to identify both positive problems and those caused by operational and organizational dysfunctions.

Health and the return of expatriates

The health of human capital is a major HR challenge. Even more so for internationally mobile employees. Expatriates are the best representatives of the company abroad. As a result, poor health management can quickly have an impact on a company’s image. It is therefore essential to place the health of expatriates at the heart of HR policy.
Managing the return of expatriates should not be overlooked either. Coaching can be effective. For example, coaching to help you regain your confidence by making the most of the professional skills you acquired during your stay abroad. Coaching to help the expatriate couple or family readjust socially…

To expatriate is to immigrate to a new environment. This can be trickier when the expatriate employee expatriates with his or her family, for whom expatriation is synonymous with starting from scratch. Preparing your employee’s expatriation is essential to the success of an assignment abroad, especially when it comes to negotiating expatriation conditions.

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