As of April 6, 2011, it is now possible for all French social security beneficiaries to consult their medical records! Whether it’s your medical reports, prescriptions, X-rays or laboratory analyses, you can access them online thanks to your Dossier Médical Partagé.

How to create your DMP? Are you insured and have a Carte Vitale? The procedure is very simple. Make your request to a healthcare professional or institution. Read the information brochure you’ll receive. Give your consent. And voilà, your DPM will be created with a National Health Identifier (INS) and a password.
Wondering who can see your medical documents? Don’t worry: only the professionals you authorize will have access. And you can check at any time who has consulted your file.
Thanks to the DMP, medical monitoring is now simplified in France. When you’re abroad, don’t forget to take out international insurance! Sécurité Sociale covers short stays mainly in the European Union, and only according to its reimbursement scale.
For more information on the DMP.
For a quote on travel or expatriation insurance.