Interview with Richard Werly, from Gavroche newspaper for Francophones in Thailand

Interview with Richard Werly, editorial advisor to Le Gavroche and France and European affairs correspondent for the Swiss daily Le Temps.


1. Could you introduce yourself and tell us why you came to Thailand?

For me, Gavroche and Thailand are two long-standing stories, closely linked to my professional career. Consider this: Gavroche was founded in 1994. This French-language publication therefore holds a record in Southeast Asia: 25 years old! For an independent newspaper, financed by its readers and advertising, this is an achievement to be applauded, and one that I believe makes a clear difference. A case in point: the digitization of the complete archives of Gavroche Magazine. More than 500 issues, a unique testimony to the history of Thailand and the Mekong countries. Gavroche-Thailand is just that: an undeniable piece of history, a mirror in which our readers can look at themselves and find themselves.

I was a young correspondent in Thailand in 1994 when this newspaper was created. I quickly became a contributor and saw it come to life, so to speak. I’ve been writing a column, Rebond, since 2010, as a distant observer of Thailand, since my assignments for Le Temps have taken me successively to Japan, Geneva, Brussels and Paris. To imagine that Gavroche, due to the economic difficulties inherent to the press, would disappear, was for me deeply shocking. That’s why I agreed to lend my editorial support to the new owners.

2. Could you introduce Gavroche and its team? What is your project?

Gavroche-Thaïlande is currently in the midst of a relaunch. The new round of shareholders and partners was finalized last August, following the departure of Philippe Plénacoste, the publication’s historic driving force, whose courage and tenacity I cannot emphasize enough. Since then, I’ve been advising Bangkok’s three-strong editorial team, supported by a number of freelance contributors. A new permanent editor has just been hired. The team will continue to grow.

Gavroche offers its readers and advertisers three information platforms: a web platform, a monthly magazine and weekly newsletters. The originality of our project lies in the fact that we are currently working on bringing Gavroche and these platforms to Africa. Within a year, this African partnership should be in place, offering our advertisers a unique international French-speaking dimension.

3. How can I subscribe?

All you have to do is log on to, in the subscription section. A new website will soon be up and running. Subscription forms for the magazine will be simplified and easier to access. The cultural newsletter is free. Another special feature of the project is the creation of a French-language editorial content unit for brands. Agence Gavroche already produces texts for several clients’ platforms. Another idea is to organize a Gavroche festival in Bangkok in 2019. Step by step, we’re moving forward and relaunching. With the greatest respect for our competitors, who also contribute to the vitality of the region’s French-speaking community.

4. What advice would you give to a young expatriate in Thailand?

Thailand is an easily accessible country. The values of Thai society, heavily influenced by Buddhism, are obviously far removed from those of French society. The language is also difficult. But Thais are welcoming, open-minded, respectful and friendly towards foreigners.

My advice to young French people looking to move abroad? First of all, do your homework. There’s nothing worse than seeing Thailand as a permissive, easygoing country where all excesses are permitted. Understanding the country’s culture is essential.

Another tip is to have two or three local contacts. People you can trust to give you a hand.

Third tip: be yourself. Thais don’t expect young French people to copy Asian ways. So work the French way, be resourceful. But always bear in mind one essential restraint: this is not your country. Enjoy it that way.

5. What do you think of Thailand’s healthcare system?

I’ll answer your question in two parts.

First: health and medical infrastructure.

It is of a very high standard. This is one of the areas in which Thailand has made most progress over the last two decades. English-speaking doctors are to be found everywhere. Medicines are easy to obtain. Hospitals are clean and well-kept. Emergency services are friendly and professional. More and more specialized clinics are offering their services.

Second: the notion of a healthcare system. In France, this means social security, reimbursement and so on. Forget that in Thailand. You pay cash for everything. That’s why it’s so important to have a good insurance policy before you leave, and to always carry enough money in case of an accident, for example. I insist on insurance. Thailand is a country where good insurance policies are available, whether taken out in France or not. This is a must.

6. Any reading tips?

First, read the international press: Le Monde, Le Figaro…and of course Le Temps! Read Gavroche-Thailand too! But that’s not all. Other well-informed websites exist. But above all, read a few reference books. I quote “Les 101 idées reçues sur la Thaïlande” (101 preconceived ideas about Thailand) just published by our colleague Eugénie Merieau. My former colleague Arnaud Dubus has also published a very good “Thaïlande” (La découverte). For the region, I can only recommend the books in the “L’Ame des peuples” collection, which I edit for Nevicata. We have volumes on Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos!

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