Expatriate health insurance in Indonesia | Mondassur

Are you looking for expatriate insurance in Indonesia? Whether you're already living there or looking to move abroad, Mondassur can help!

assurance expatrie indonesie

Indonesia is home to many expatriate communities. We’ve put together some tips to help you prepare for your expatriation to Indonesia. If you want to get away from it all, Indonesia is the place for you! Indonesia is a welcoming country, rich in opportunities. However, medical infrastructures are not always sufficiently developed. What’s more, the costs of private medicine in international facilities can be very high. We therefore recommend that you take out comprehensive expatriate health insurance in Indonesia before you leave.

Our insurance offers for expatriates in Indonesia

Expatriate insurance Indonesia Gold Nomad Expat

Our policy with good levels of cover, suitable for your expatriation to Indonesia.



/ month

Expatriate Insurance Indonesia Gold Expat Access

Economical international health insurance tailored to your expatriation plans.



/ month

Expatriate insurance Indonesia Gold Expat Safe

Health insurance that provides effective coverage in the event of accident or illness.



/ month

Expatriate insurance Indonesia Gold Expat Premium

Our most comprehensive expatriate health insurance plan in Indonesia.



/ month

Any questions? Need advice?

Some figures on health insurance in Indonesia

Number of public hospitals 1 614
Number of private hospitals 996
Number of doctors per 1,000 inhabitants 0,7

These figures highlight the challenges facing the Indonesian healthcare system. Here, we can see the relatively low number of doctors per capita and the uneven distribution of public and private hospitals. This underlines the importance of choosing the right health insurance for you. Choose Mondassur for fast, efficient access to the care you need.

How Indonesia's healthcare system works :

The healthcare system in Indonesia is therefore structured around two main types of coverage: public health insurance and private health insurance. The system is designed to provide social security coverage for all residents. However, levels of service and accessibility vary considerably between the different options available. Public healthcare is largely government-run, while private healthcare is dominated by private companies. The latter seek to offer better quality services to those who can afford it.

Accommodation in New Zealand

Public health insurance

Public health insurance in Indonesia is administered mainly by the Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) program. It aims to provide universal health coverage for the population. The system is managed by the Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) and supported by the Kartu Indonesia Sehat (KIS) program. This system provides coverage for a variety of medical expenses. People enrolled in this program can therefore access medical care in public establishments and some private hospitals.

However, the quality of coverage can be uneven. In urban areas, services are generally more accessible and of better quality. Rural areas, on the other hand, can suffer from relatively limited resources, resulting in longer treatment times and inferior care. Any Indonesian resident can register with JKN. However, registration often involves a number of administrative steps. The costs of this mutual are relatively low. In fact, they are often subsidized by the government for low-income groups. However, waiting times can be long, especially in overcrowded public facilities.

Private health insurance

Private health insurance in Indonesia offers an attractive alternative for those seeking higher quality healthcare services and shorter treatment times. Private insurers like Mondassur are particularly popular with expatriates and the local middle and upper classes. In fact, these insurances are not very accessible. These insurances offer more extensive coverage. This includes access to well-equipped private hospitals and clinics, as well as specialized health services. These are not always available through public insurance.

The quality of coverage in the private sector is far superior. The private sector offers modern infrastructures, doctors who are often trained abroad, and faster access to care. Those who can afford private health insurance benefit from more personalized service and better facilities. However, these premiums can be significantly higher, making this option unaffordable for part of the population. Taking out a health insurance policy with Mondassur is highly recommended to ensure fast, efficient access to the care you need. So you can discover Asia’s must-see places!

Choosing health insurance in Indonesia

Indonesia boasts a considerable number of healthcare facilities, both public and private. Public hospitals and clinics suffer from a lack of staff and resources. This overload can lead to long waiting times for patients. What’s more, service quality can sometimes leave something to be desired. On the other hand, private establishments offer better quality of care and shorter treatment times. As a result, expatriates and wealthy Indonesians are attracted.

Public healthcare facilities are often faced with a shortage of caregivers and medical equipment. This has a direct impact on the quality of care. What’s more, the distribution of health centers is uneven. Indeed, there is a higher concentration in urban areas and limited accessibility in rural regions. This disparity encourages some Indonesians to seek medical care abroad. This is the case, for example, for specialized treatments that are unavailable or of lower quality in Indonesia.

Although fewer in number, private establishments are better equipped and managed. As a result, they offer better quality services and health coverage. Expatriates find that these centers better meet their healthcare expectations. However, the cost of care in private facilities can be prohibitive without good health insurance. So it’s crucial to take out health insurance to cover the cost of private care. Mondassur works with you to guarantee fast, high-quality care.

Which hospitals offer treatment in Indonesia?

For expatriates in Indonesia, knowing where to seek medical treatment is crucial. Fortunately, the country is home to several hospitals that meet international standards and offer high-quality care. These establishments are often preferred by expatriates and wealthy Indonesians in the event of hospitalization, for example. These have modern facilities, doctors who are often trained abroad, and fast, efficient services. Here are some recommended hospitals:

  • Rumah Sakit Internasional Bintaro in Jakarta : this hospital offers a full range of medical services with modern equipment and well-trained medical staff.
  • Siloam Hospitals Group : with several branches across the country, Siloam is renowned for its high-quality care and specialized services.
  • International SOS Clinic in Bali : specialized in emergency care and medical services for expatriates and tourists.
  • Bali Royal Hospital (BROS) : offering advanced medical services and bilingual staff.
  • Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah in Jakarta : another leading hospital with modern facilities and an experienced medical team.

By choosing one of these hospitals, you can be sure of receiving care that meets international standards. It’s crucial to your peace of mind and well-being. Before moving to Indonesia, make sure you take out comprehensive expatriate health insurance in Indonesia with Mondassur.

Emergency numbers in Indonesia

Knowing the emergency numbers in Indonesia is essential for all expatriates to be able to react quickly in critical situations. The country has a number of emergency services accessible via specific numbers:

  • Police, fire department, ambulance : 112
  • Emergency number for French nationals in Indonesia : +62 811 19 54 31 23

Emergency services in Indonesia can therefore vary in effectiveness from region to region. In urban areas like Jakarta and Bali, responses tend to be faster and more effective. Expatriates should also consider purchasing private health insurance, such as those we offer. In particular, they include an assistance and medical repatriation service to guarantee optimum care in the event of an emergency.

Healthcare costs in Indonesia

The cost of healthcare services in Indonesia varies considerably, depending on the type of care and facility chosen.

  • For a standard consultation with a GP, prices can range from IDR 200,000 to IDR 500,000 (between €12 to €29).
  • The requirements are often required to purchase certain drugs. In private pharmacies, you can sometimes buy medicines without a prescription. Drug prices can also vary, with generic drugs generally less expensive than international brand names. Expatriates can buy medicines from local pharmacies (apotik) or large pharmacy chains such as Guardian or Kimia Farma.
  • For a hospitalization, the cost of hospitalization in a private hospital can vary from IDR 1,000,000 to IDR 3,000,000 per day (between €57 and €170), not including additional costs for treatments and procedures.
  • The cost of a delivery in a private hospital can range from IDR 15,000,000 to IDR 30,000,000 (between €850 and €1,700), depending on the services chosen.
  • Visit dental and optical care are generally more affordable than in Europe or the United States.

So you need comprehensive health insurance. Mondassur offers insurance coverage for a wide range of medical services, including hospitalization and specialized care. So you can enjoy Chinese New Year, which is also celebrated in Indonesia, in peace!

Repatriation insurance for Indonesia

Repatriation insurance is therefore essential coverage for any expatriate living in Indonesia. In the event of a serious medical problem, you may be obliged to return to your country of origin or another country to receive appropriate treatment. Good repatriation insurance covers not only the cost of medical transport, but also the medical assistance required during repatriation.

At Mondassur, we understand the importance of this coverage and offer insurance plans that include medical repatriation. This ensures that, wherever you are in Indonesia, you can benefit from fast, efficient service in the event of a medical emergency. Our policies also cover return travel costs in the event of death. This allows your family to manage this difficult situation without worrying about the financial and logistical aspects.

Indonesia: take stock of your vaccinations

Before leaving for Indonesia, check that your vaccinations are up to date. Certain vaccinations are recommended to ensure your health and safety during your stay. Recommended vaccines for Indonesia include:

  • Hepatitis A : recommended because of the risks involved in drinking water and eating food.
  • Hepatitis B essential, especially for longer stays, because of the risk of transmission via bodily fluids.
  • Typhoid : particularly recommended for stays in rural areas.
  • Rage : recommended for those who plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, due to the risk of animal bites.
  • Japanese encephalitis : crucial for stays in rural areas or during the rainy season.

Always check specific requirements before you leave, and consult your doctor to make sure you’re properly protected. At Mondassur, we can advise and help you prepare for your trip to Indonesia. We can also help you find out which vaccines are necessary and recommended for your safety and well-being.

Choose Mondassur for your expatriate health insurance Indonesia!

Why take out expatriate insurance?

Buying expat insurance in Indonesia is essential for your peace of mind and medical safety. Expatriates face unique healthcare challenges. These include differences in healthcare systems, tropical diseases and language barriers. Expatriate health insurance provides comprehensive coverage, giving you access to the best care without financial worries.. By insuring with Mondassur, you can benefit from expatriate insurance coverage at the first euro.

In Indonesia, medical costs can quickly mount up, especially in quality private facilities. What’s more, some illnesses and medical emergencies require repatriation. When you choose Mondassur, you benefit from worldwide coverage, including consultations, hospitalization, dental care and much more. Make sure you’re protected in all circumstances.

Quick and easy subscription

Mondassur makes it quick and easy for expatriates in Indonesia to take out health insurance. You can obtain coverage in just a few clicks, directly from our website. We offer free personalized quotes, allowing you to compare different options and choose the one that best suits your needs and budget. Our team of brokers is available to guide you every step of the way. We’ll answer all your questions and help you understand the terms of your insurance policy.

Mondassur makes it easier than ever to protect your health and that of your family during your expatriation to Indonesia. You can also manage your account online, access your insurance documents and track your reimbursements with ease.

A wide choice of warranties

At Mondassur, we understand that every expatriate has specific health needs. That’s why we offer a wide choice of coverages to suit different situations and budgets. Our health insurance plans for expatriates in South East Asia, particularly in Indonesia, cover a wide range of services. This includes medical consultations, hospitalization, dental and optical care, and medication. We also offer additional options such as provident cover, third-party liability and wellness.

Our insurance policies are designed for maximum flexibility. So you can choose the coverage that best suits your needs. With Mondassur, you can be sure that you’ll have access to the best care available, wherever you are in Indonesia.

Other insurances for Indonesia

In addition to our expatriate health insurance, we offer other types of insurance to support you during your stay in Indonesia. Discover our offers :

For a closer look at our offers in Indonesia, visit our Indonesia Health Insurance page. Find out all about our expatriate health insurance Indonesia options, tailored to meet your specific needs. Choose Mondassur for optimal protection and total peace of mind during your expatriation to Indonesia.

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