Going abroad can be an enriching experience, but it often means being far from family and friends. Whether for study, employment or simply to discover new horizons, managing distance from loved ones can sometimes be difficult. Here are a few tips to help you manage the distance and stay connected with your loved ones when you’re abroad.
Plan regular communications
La communication est essentielle pour maintenir des liens étroits avec ses proches. Il est important de planifier des communications régulières, que ce soit par téléphone, Whatsapp, Facetime ou e-mail. Cela permettra de rester informé de ce qui se passe dans la vie de chacun et de partager ses propres expériences à l’étranger. Il est également important d’être flexible en ce qui concerne les horaires de communication, en tenant compte des différences de fuseaux horaires.
Using social networks
Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can be useful for keeping in touch with loved ones abroad. They make sharing photos, videos and updates quick and easy. Facebook groups can also be used to bring friends and family together to share information and news.
Organizing tours
Organizing regular visits can help you maintain close ties with your loved ones. It’s a great way to spend time together and make new memories. It’s important to plan these visits in advance so you can save money and make the necessary travel arrangements. In these cases, you should also consider taking out travel insurance to cover you when you leave your country of residence.
Sharing gifts
Sharing gifts with loved ones can help maintain close ties. This can be done by sending gifts by post or using delivery services such as Amazon. Greeting cards can also be sent for special occasions, such as birthdays, Christmas and the festive season.
Take part in online activities together
You can take part in online activities with your loved ones to maintain close ties. This can be done by playing online games, watching movies together using services such as Netflix Party, or attending online events such as live concerts.
Getting involved in the local community
Getting involved in the local community can help fill the void left by the absence of loved ones. It’s a great way to meet new people and make new friends. You can get involved in activities such as sports clubs, volunteer groups or online discussion groups.
Taking care of yourself
Take care of yourself when you’re abroad and away from loved ones. You can do this by taking the time to practice relaxing activities such as meditation, yoga or reading. Keep in touch with your loved ones abroad for support and advice on how to cope with loneliness and distance from family and friends.
Find support groups
Finding local support groups can help fill the void left by distance from family and friends. These groups can be found online or in the local community. They offer a place to discuss experiences, share advice and meet others going through similar situations.
Setting goals
Setting goals can help you focus on the positive aspects of the experience of being abroad. This can be done by setting professional goals, such as learning a new skill or completing a project, or by setting personal goals, such as learning a new language or discovering new places.
Accept the ups and downs
It’s important to remember that experiences abroad can be full of ups and downs. It’s normal to feel nostalgic and sad when you’re away from family and friends. It’s important to give yourself time to feel these emotions and find healthy ways to deal with them.
Ultimately, managing distance from loved ones while abroad can be difficult, but there are ways to stay connected and maintain close ties. By planning regular communications, using social networks, arranging visits, sharing gifts, participating in online activities together, getting involved in the local community, taking care of yourself, finding support groups and setting goals, it’s possible to better manage the distance and make the most of the experience of being abroad.