How to choose expatriate insurance for an employee?
When it comes to protecting your employees on professional missions abroad, choosing the right health insurance is essential. Mondassur can help you with this crucial step.
Your employees are often required to travel abroad as part of their professional activities. It is therefore crucial to choose the right insurance to cover their medical expenses and guarantee their safety. Here’s how to choose the right expatriate insurance for your employees.
Expatriate insurance for international employees
Are you planning to expatriate your employees abroad, or do you already have a team of employees abroad and want to insure them? Here’s how to choose the right expatriate insurance for your employees:
1. Define specific needs
Before choosing an insurance policy, first identify the specific needs of your employees on assignment. This includes not only coverage for medical expenses, but also additional benefits such as assistance, repatriation and third-party liability.
Medical expenses: Make sure the insurance covers consultations, hospitalization, dental and optical care, as well as medication.
Assistance and repatriation: Check that the insurance includes 24/7 assistance services and repatriation guarantees in the event of a medical emergency or natural disaster.
Civil liability: Civil liability coverage is essential to protect your employees in the event of damage caused to third parties.
2. Consider the duration of the mission
Mondassur offers two types of insurance, depending on the duration of the professional assignment. For your employees on short international assignments, temporary coverage may suffice, while for long-term assignments, more comprehensive and continuous insurance is required.
Short assignments: Opt for a temporary insurance policy that provides adequate coverage for the duration of the assignment, generally up to six months.
Long assignments: For extended stays, choose a comprehensive insurance policy that covers your employees for the entire duration of their expatriation, including all necessary guarantees.
3. Compare warranties
Look for insurance offering extensive medical coverage, including consultations, hospitalization, dental and optical care. Also make sure that the insurance includes repatriation guarantees in the event of an emergency.
Consultations and hospitalization: Coverage should include doctor’s visits, specialist treatments and hospital stays.
Dental and optical care: Quality dental and optical care should be included, as these services can be expensive abroad.
Assistance and repatriation: Assistance coverage should include medical repatriation and assistance in critical situations, as well as support for the employee’s family members.
4. Check support services
24/7 assistance services are essential for expatriates. They should include multilingual support, help with administrative formalities and support in the event of repatriation.
Multilingual support: Make sure your employees can get help in their native language, whatever the time of day or day.
Administrative formalities: Insurance companies should offer assistance with local and international administrative formalities, making life easier for your employees abroad.
Repatriation: A good insurance policy should include plans for medical repatriation in case of need, guaranteeing fast and efficient care.
5. Evaluate network costs and quality
Analyze the costs of different insurance plans based on the coverage offered. Compare several health insurance quotes to get the best value for your money. Make sure that the insurance you choose offers access to a high-quality medical network in your destination countries.
Premium costs: Compare insurance premiums according to the benefits offered and the level of coverage.
Value for money: Look for the best value for money by evaluating the services included in each insurance package.
Medical network: Check that the insurance provides access to a quality medical network, with well-equipped and reputable hospitals and clinics in the host country.
6. Taking civil liability into account
In addition to health, civil liability is an important aspect to consider. It covers any damage your employees may cause to third parties while on assignment abroad.
Legal protection: Make sure the insurance includes legal protection to defend your employees in the event of litigation abroad.
Property damage and bodily injury: Third-party liability must cover property damage and bodily injury caused to third parties, offering financial security in the event of an incident.
Mondassur can help you choose the ideal expatriate insurance for your employees, with packages tailored to the duration of their assignments. Protect your employees so they can concentrate on their work with complete peace of mind.
Expatriate insurance Gold Nomad Expat
Our contract with good levels of cover.
- Worldwide coverage
- Maximum age: 65
- Covers up to 100% of routine medical care
- 100% hospitalization coverage
- Up to €500,000 per year
- Maternity coverage up to €4,500
- Covers pre-existing conditions
- Coverage of pharmaceutical costs
- Repatriation assistance
- Civil liability
- Individual protection
Expatriate insurance Gold Expat Access
Cost-effective international health insurance.
- Worldwide coverage
- Minimum age: 14
- Maximum age: 65
- Covers 80% of routine medical care
- 100% hospitalization coverage
- Up to €750,000 per year
- Maternity coverage up to €4,500
- Coverage of assisted reproduction up to €500
- Covers pre-existing conditions
- Coverage of pharmaceutical costs
- Optional dental and optical care
- Optional repatriation assistance
- Optional third-party liability
Expatriate insurance Gold Expat Safe
The insurance that provides effective coverage for accidents and illnesses.
- Worldwide coverage
- Minimum age: 14
- Maximum age: 65
- Covers 90% of common medicine
- 100% hospitalization coverage
- Up to €1,000,000 per year
- Maternity coverage up to €4,500
- Coverage of assisted reproduction up to €1,000
- Covers pre-existing conditions
- Coverage of pharmaceutical costs
- Optional dental and optical care
- Maternity plus option
- Prevention and well-being as an option
- Optional repatriation assistance
- Optional third-party liability
Expatriate insurance Gold Expat Premium
Our most comprehensive expatriate health insurance.
- Worldwide coverage
- Minimum age: 14
- Maximum age: 65
- Covers up to 100% of routine medical care
- 100% hospitalization coverage
- Up to €1,500,000 per year
- Maternity coverage up to €6,000
- Coverage of assisted reproduction up to €1,500
- Covers pre-existing conditions
- Coverage of pharmaceutical costs
- Optional dental and optical care
- Maternity plus option
- Prevention and well-being as an option
- Optional repatriation assistance
- Optional third-party liability
This presentation concerns a range of generic contracts.
Depending on your situation, Mondassur can also offer you customized quotes.