Some people go abroad without health insurance, hoping to save money. But is it really an economic decision? How much does expatriate insurance cost?

Myth No. 1 about health insurance: International health insurance is expensive –> False
But is this really the case? To answer this question, we can compare the cost of expat insurance with the cost of health insurance in France, which will supplement social security reimbursements. International insurance for expatriates, such as GoldExpat, is available from 32 euros per month. A mutuelle complémentaire in France will quickly exceed this amount. In addition to the cost of a complementary French mutual insurance plan, you must also pay the social security charges that will be deducted from your income, whether you are employed or self-employed. For just 382 euros a year, GoldExpat international health insurance covers 100% of actual hospitalization costs, 100% of maternity costs, medical consultations and pharmaceutical expenses, plus CFE contributions. If you take out insurance that covers you from the 1st euro spent, your premium starts from €98 per month for insurance that covers both hospitalization and routine (including preventive) medicine, which is still very reasonable. What’s more, expat insurance gives you the freedom to choose your doctor, even in the private sector, for the best care, and covers you worldwide! Expatriate insurance can therefore cost you less than local insurance. So don’t hesitate, ask for a free quote!
Myth no. 2: Local insurance is better –> False
People living outside their country of origin are internationally mobile, and need to travel more often than the average person: for work, to meet up with family and friends spread across the globe, and for vacation. That’s why it’s essential to be able to cover even the most remote locations. An international health insurance policy gives them worldwide coverage, and saves them money as they can be reimbursed and taken care of should they encounter a health problem in these countries.
Myth no. 3: It costs me more to have insurance than not –> False
This assumption applies as long as all goes well, but experience shows that you need to be careful, especially if you live abroad. Unfortunately, no one is immune to an accident or illness that is triggered by a virus or no previous history. Medical costs can then rise exponentially, and without appropriate health insurance, all your savings can go down the drain, costing you far more than regular premium payments. Health insurance is one of the types of insurance you’re bound to use at one time or another, because there always comes a time when you need it for prevention or treatment.
A French family moves to London. A week later, the father had a toothache. He wants to consult a doctor recommended by his friend. The doctor indicates that he needs dental treatment. Without international expat insurance, he would have had to pay at least 180 euros (the cost of treatment). With GoldExpat international insurance, he will be reimbursed at 90% of actual costs, so he only has to pay 18 euros. International insurance for expats also gives you a free choice of doctors.
Matt, 32, has just moved to the United States to create his start-up. He wants to get back into shape, so he trains once a week at the gym. One day, during his weekly sport, a weight falls on his foot. He was rushed to hospital. He underwent an operation in the United States and spent 10 days in hospital. On discharge, the hospital bill came to $40,000. He doesn’t have that amount in his bank account. Without insurance, he would have had to borrow or become insolvent in the USA. Thanks to his insurance, he didn’t have to advance any costs, and the insurer paid for everything.
Bruno, 18, is on vacation in Vietnam. He decides to rent a motorcycle to get around town, and has an accident with another motorcycle. Bruno was slightly injured and taken to hospital, where he spent 2 days. Without insurance, he would have had to pay 950 euros. With GoldExpat Premium international insurance, he is covered for 100% of actual hospitalization costs.
Myth #4: International health insurance is complicated –> False
International insurance for expats covers you against everyday accidents and illnesses. You benefit from 100% coverage of hospitalization with direct payment of costs. You have a choice of practitioners worldwide. Our medical platform is available 24/7.
You can request a free quote for your international health insurance online, and also get free advice from our insurance experts. We’re here to help you find the best insurance solution for your budget and situation. You can subscribe remotely by phone or email, and then manage your claims. We’re here to support you and make your life easier. Formalities are kept to a minimum.