CFE supplementary insurance

How does complementary CFE insurance work?

When you live abroad, you have the choice of taking out private expatriate insurance that covers you in full, known as “au 1er euro “, or complementary insurance to the CFE. To help you make the right choice, here’s some information on how CFE works and how you can take out complementary insurance with CFE.


Why take out health insurance in addition to CFE?

In countries where medical costs are high (USA, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, Australia…), the outstanding cost can reach staggering sums. That’s why it’s essential to take out additional insurance to cover this cost in these countries, and strongly recommended for other countries. Some insurances will even cover your hospitalization costs directly, without you having to pay in advance.

If you are French and already insured in your country of residence abroad, but would still like to be covered when you return to France, Mondassur offersFrancExpat insurance as a complement to CFE.

What is the CFE?

CFE is the insurance fund for French nationals living abroad. This is a private organization for which you must pay voluntary contributions, and which covers your medical expenses at the same percentages and reimbursement ceilings as French Social Security. If you’re an expatriate, you can contribute to the CFE , which will cover part of your healthcare costs abroad. We strongly advise you to take out a supplementary health insurance policy that will cover the non-reimbursed part of your bill, as well as the advance payment in the event of hospitalization. Only French nationals or Europeans who have lived in France for more than 10 years are eligible for CFE. How much are CFE contributions?

How do reimbursements work with CFE?

To benefit from CFE’s advantages, you’ll have to pay a quarterly contribution, calculated on the basis of your income, age and family situation. CFE offers 3 types of insurance: sickness and maternity, industrial accidents and occupational diseases, and old-age insurance, which enables you to contribute to the French pension system. The healthcare reimbursement system is based on French social security reimbursement levels and since January 1, 2020 on 5 geographical zones with different reimbursements but now as a percentage of actual costs. For example, if you pay €80 for a consultation in your country of expatriation, you will be reimbursed 70% of €25 by the CFE at the time of treatment, €25 being the standard rate for a doctor’s consultation in France for our example. Coverage percentages vary according to geographical area and type of treatment. If you do not have expatriate insurance in addition to CFE, you will be responsible for the remainder. If you are covered by a Mondassur CFE supplementary insurance policy, it will pay the remainder of the costs in accordance with your contract. Mondassur will reimburse you

Why choose Mondassur for your CFE top-up?

Mondassur, as an expatriate insurance broker, gives you a single point of contact to subscribe to both CFE and complementary expatriate insurance for your stay abroad, and to obtain your healthcare reimbursements in one go. This system is more practical and considerably reduces the time it takes to settle claims. You send your claims via your personal online CFE interface, which forwards them directly to us. We then reimburse your CFE medical expenses + MONDASSUR top-up in a single payment to the bank account of your choice anywhere in the world. If you don’t want to join the CFE, that’s also perfectly possible. In this case, you’ll need to choose a “1st euro” health insurance plan like GoldExpat 1er euro.

How do I take out supplementary insurance with the CFE?

Subscribe online: Start by obtaining a free quote on the Mondassur website to assess your coverage needs. After receiving your quotation, fill in the required information and provide the necessary documents online. Mondassur then takes care of the entire enrolment process, making it easy for you to sign up for the coverage you’ve chosen.

Subscribing by telephone: Contact our advisors to discuss your needs for additional CFE cover. We’ll help you choose your insurance plan. Once you have chosen a plan, complete an application form and provide the necessary documents. Mondassur takes care of the whole process, so you can benefit from comprehensive health cover tailored to your needs as an expatriate.

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