Health insurance in Singapore

Mondassur can help you plan your expatriation or trip abroad! Health insurance in Singapore is there to cover you and give you peace of mind.

assurance sante singapour

Are you planning to move to Singapore, whether for expatriation, study, an internship or simply a vacation? In all these situations, it’s essential to take out health insurance in Singapore, both for yourself and for your loved ones. Singapore, with its high medical costs, can involve significant financial risk in the event of illness or accident. With the right insurance, you can travel with complete peace of mind, protected against unforeseen financial, medical and legal contingencies. Our specially designed Singapore health insurance policies cover a wide range of expenses, including repatriation, hospital costs, third-party liability and other emergency medical costs.

Student insurance Singapore

The insurance that covers your stay for your studies in Singapore.



/ month

Expatriate insurance Singapore

International health insurance to cover your expatriation to Singapore.



/ month

Travel insurance

Health insurance to cover your trip to Singapore.



/ trip

Any questions? Need some advice?

Information on health insurance in Singapore

assurante sante internationale singapour

Political system: Parliamentary republic
Capital: Singapore
Area: 728.6 km²
Population: 5.454 million
Languages spoken: Mandarin, English, Malay, Tamil
Currency: Singapore dollar

Singapore's healthcare system

In particular, Singapore’s healthcare system is considered the second best in the world. However, if you are not a permanent resident, you will not be able to benefit from the advantages of this system. So it’s important to take out health insurance before you leave or when you arrive in Singapore. An expatriate health insurance policy will protect you against the cost of hospitalization or expensive medical consultations.

Singapore’s healthcare system is based on the Central Provident Fund (CPF)which operates as a compulsory savings account for all Singaporean workers and permanent residents. It opens social benefit entitlements after individual capitalization. Workers pay into this fund with part of their salary, which is then used to finance home loans, pay their pension or finance their health insurance.

Expatriates can only access the scheme if they have permanent resident status. Over 80% of foreigners do not have this status, notably because they must reside as non-permanents in the territory for at least 10 years to become eligible.

To find out more, read our testimonial to understand Singapore’s healthcare system.

Singapore’s 3 public health plans

It was gradually introduced by the government in 1984, with a 3-scheme system also known as the 3 M’s: Medifund, Medishield and Medisave.

  • Medisave was introduced with the aim of developing a national medical savings scheme. It helps citizens set aside part of their income in a Medical Save Account (MSA ). This allows them to cover part of the costs of hospitalization, surgery or outpatient care.
  • Medishield life is a health insurance plan that helps pay healthcare bills and more expensive outpatient treatments such as chemotherapy. It therefore complements Medisave and covers expenses not covered by the Medical Save Account. However, Medishield life does not cover dental or optical care, pregnancy follow-up or childbirth.
  • Medifund is an endowment fund set up by the government to help workers in financial difficulty.

It’s worth noting that many Singaporeans take out private or job-financed insurance policies if they can, in order to cover as much as possible of the very expensive healthcare costs.

The Covid-19 health situation in Singapore

Following the implementation of the zero Covid strategy by the Singaporean government, as a non-resident, traveler or expatriate you must have had a complete vaccination schedule for at least 2 weeks before entering Singapore. You must also be in possession of a PCR test less than 72 hours old on your outward journey, and have it re-tested when you enter the country. The price of a PCR test in Singapore varies between SGD 200 and SGD 265 (between €138 and €183). You must also apply for a “Vaccinated Travel pass” between 7 and 30 days in advance on the Singapore authorities’ website. Finally, if you are a non-resident, traveler or expatriate, you must take out travel insurance covering at least SGD 40,000 (approx. €27,600).

How much does medical care cost in Singapore?

For expatriates, 80% of generalist services are provided in private practices. This means you can seek medical treatment in a public facility, but the cost will be closer to that of a private one. On the other hand, getting an appointment quickly at a public facility is more difficult and time-consuming, as they are much in demand by Singaporeans.

  • The average cost of a consultation with a general practitioner is SGD 100 (around €70).
  • A dental consultation can cost as much as SGD 1,975 (approx. €1,365).
  • A hospitalization for appendicitis surgery (without complications) can cost up to 18,000 SGD (approx. €12,400).
  • The price of a painkiller in a pharmacy is around 9 SGD (about €6).

It doesn’t cost much to have a pair of prescription glasses made. This is because the Singaporean service is simpler and more efficient, as the optician can also be an ophthalmologist. He can therefore take care of you and suggest suitable frames in a single consultation, which can be booked without an appointment.

Price comparison between public and private hospitals in Singapore

In a public hospital, the cost of consultations for expatriates who do not have permanent resident status is :

  • General consultation: approx. 80 SGD (approx. €55)
  • Family doctor: approx. 94 SGD (approx. €65)
  • Dental consultation: between SGD 40 and SGD 80 (between €28 and €55)
  • Dental emergency: 94 SGD (approx. €65)

In a private hospital, the cost of consultations for expatriates who do not have permanent resident status is :

  • Short consultation (-10mn): between 60 SGD and 135 SGD (between €40 and €93)
  • Long consultation (11-20mn): between 120 SGD and 200 SGD (between 83€ and 138€)
  • 1 night in hospital: between SGD 1,750 and SGD 6,700 (between €1,200 and €4,625)

You can avoid paying a single cent for hospitalization by taking out a letter of guarantee in advance, provided by your insurance company under certain conditions. And if you want to make an appointment with a GP, you can also book a consultation at a clinic.

What are the leading public and private hospitals for expatriates in Singapore?

Renowned hospitals include :

  • Gleneagles Private Hospital: one of the top 10 hospitals in the world, thanks in particular to its state-of-the-art intensive care unit and neonatal intensive care unit. Patients can also apply for and obtain visa extensions on the spot, as well as assistance with language interpretation.
  • Farrer Park Private Hospital: located in Connexion, the 20-storey building includes a hotel and spa. In addition, technology and innovation help provide the best medical treatment options.
  • Singapore General Hospital (SGH): one of Singapore’s leading public hospitals, with over 1,700 beds. It is also a university center for science and health.
  • National University Hospital (NUH): also a leading public hospital in Singapore. It is the only public hospital to offer a kidney, liver and pancreas transplant program for adults.

How do I get treatment in Singapore's emergency department?

Singapore’s emergency medical service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are two numbers to contact, depending on the level of emergency you require.

  • Dial 995 if you are the victim of a serious accident and wish to be treated by the emergency service of a hospital in Singapore.
  • The 1777 sf you are the victim of an accident and your prognosis is not life-threatening, you will contact non-emergency ambulance support.

How much does pregnancy cost in Singapore?

When you become pregnant in Singapore, your pregnancy can be managed by an obstetrician-gynecologist or a general practitioner. Here is an overview of the costs associated with pregnancy in Singapore:

  • You can also have an ultrasound scan at a private practice or hospital. The cost will be around SGD 175 (about €125).
  • For pregnancy monitoring in a public hospital, routine consultations average 150 SGD (around €105), and anatomical scans are around 190 SGD (around €130).
  • In a private hospital, consultations with a general practitioner or obstetric gynecologist cost around SGD 200 (approx. €138), and ultrasound scans around SGD 175 (approx. €125).
  • For childbirth, the average cost of renting a room in a public hospital for two nights is SGD 8,475 (approx. €5,850). In a private hospital, the average cost is SGD 12,100 (around €8,350).

How can you have your children treated in Singapore?

If you have children, they must have received an injection ofHepatitis A vaccine at least two weeks before entering Singapore. On arrival, they must also be vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis from the age of two months. They will also be vaccinated against Hepatitis B and Typhoid. Finally, if you wish to send your children to elementary school in Singapore, they must be vaccinated against :

  • BCG (Tuberculosis)
  • Whooping cough
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Mumps
  • Rubella
  • Hepatitis B

Do I need health insurance in Singapore?

The answer is yes. You cannot benefit from the 3M system if you are not a permanent resident. Moreover, benefiting from one of the world’s best healthcare systems at a price is available with Mondassur. That’s why it’s more than advisable to take out private health insurance from the 1st euro, or complementary CFE insurance if you’re registered with the CFE, the most advantageous options for expatriates. Every day, we expand our knowledge of foreign healthcare systems, including Singapore. Our sole aim is to offer you the most appropriate insurance contracts for your situation!

Which health insurance for Singapore?

We recommend that you take out a GoldExpat expatriate health insurance policy in advance, as this is the ideal insurance for Singapore and other Asian countries.

  • Hospitalization reimbursed at 100% of actual costs: Hospitalization must be reimbursed at 100% of actual costs incurred. This is a real necessity for Singapore insurance. The cost of hospitalization in Singapore is high, so it’s essential that you have 100% coverage in the event of an accident.
  • Coverage of routine medical expenses: Medical expenses are reimbursed at 90% or 80% (depending on the plan chosen) of the actual costs incurred. This includes GP and specialist consultations, check-ups, medication…
  • Third-party liability coverage: Being covered is one thing, but being covered for damage to others is quite another! Imagine causing property damage in Singapore. Naturally, we’ll cover the cost of your care. But if you don’t have third-party liability cover under your Singapore insurance, then the costs you have to pay to this third party won’t be covered by your insurance, and you risk going heavily into debt!
  • Repatriation cover: There are many cases or medical situations where repatriation to the country of origin is required or strongly recommended. Where Singapore’s social security system will never cover repatriation, private health insurance may enable you to return home for treatment.
Finally, once you’re there, take the opportunity to discover Asia and its must-see places!
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