Expatriate insurance Chile

Chile has become a preferred destination for expatriates thanks to its political stability, cultural diversity and friendly population. On this page, we'd like to give you some useful information about moving to Chile. Before you leave for Chile, find out all you can about local life, and don't forget to take out expatriation insurance.

assurance expatrie chili

Chile is a cosmopolitan country, with a population of around 19 million. Many expatriate communities have made it their home. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your expatriation to Chile and get familiar with everyday life there. Apart from the need to be vigilant when it comes to safety, Chile is a welcoming country offering many opportunities. However, medical infrastructures are not always well developed, and the cost of private medical care in international facilities can be very high. That’s why we strongly recommend that you take out international health insurance for expatriates before you leave, to cover you in case of need.

Expatriate Insurance Chile Gold Nomad Expat

Our policy with good levels of cover, suitable for your expatriation to Chile.



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Expatriate Insurance Chile Gold Expat Access

Economical international health insurance tailored to your expatriation plans.



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Expatriate insurance Chile Gold Expat Safe

Health insurance with a good cover/price ratio. It offers effective coverage for accidents and illnesses.



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Expatriate insurance Chile Gold Expat Premium

Our comprehensive expatriate health insurance in Chile.



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Any questions? Need some advice?

Working in Chile

Europeans generally find it easy to find work. In fact, employers are often very satisfied with the efficiency of our Europeans. Working relationships are much warmer than in Europe, and opportunities for professional development are much greater.
It’s a good idea to get in touch with French associations to find a job. If you’re planning to expatriate, aim for the big multinationals for a good salary.

It’s essential to speak Spanish if you want to work in Chile. Only a minority of Chileans speak English. The official language is Spanish, but with a very different accent to that of Spain.

Schooling in Chile

There are approximately 50% public and 50% private schools in Chile. Public schools lack resources, so wealthy Chileans prefer to enroll their children in private schools, which are generally of good quality.
Santiago has just one school linked to the French Ministry of Education. There are also establishments that follow the Chilean curriculum, but offer a mixed curriculum, with part of their courses in French.
Chilean universities are fee-paying and pose problems of social inequality. Courses are more or less expensive, depending on the chosen profession. At the Universidad Pública de Chile, it costs 300 euros a month for a career in engineering.

Accommodation in Chile

Prices vary according to your location. There are many pleasant neighborhoods in Santiago. Vitacura, La dehesa, Lo Barnechea and Las Condes are the upscale suburban communities where you can easily find a large house.
In some of the capital’s wealthier neighborhoods, a 2-room apartment will cost you around 800 euros/month at the entry-level.

What is the cost of living in Chile?

The cost of living in Chile is equivalent to the French cost of living in the provinces, although prices vary depending on where you buy. If you want to buy the same products as in Europe, the cost will be the same or higher than in France.
It’s cheaper to buy local. In agricultural regions, farmers sell their produce on the roadside at much lower prices than in the city. If you want to reduce your expenses in Chile, you should take out private health insurance for Chile. In fact, if you’re not insured, you’ll have to pay your own healthcare costs.

Health and eating habits in Chile

No hygiene problems in restaurants, markets or stores. Tap water is not drinkable. Prefer locally-branded bottled water: Panamavida, Vital, …

Choosing health insurance in Chile

As an expatriate, you will no longer be covered by the French health and welfare system, and will therefore lose your rights to L’Assurance maladie. To be on the safe side, it is essential to purchase good expatriate health insurance in Chile. Indeed, as Chile’s public sector remains inadequate, expatriates turn to the private sector (which enjoys a higher quality of care thanks to the cutting-edge techniques of its practitioners, on a par with the quality of the most developed countries), which explains the high cost of medical expenses.

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