The insurance that comes with your credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) is more like an assistance contract that helps you in the event of an incident, for a short period of time, without offering you very extensive health insurance cover, and under no circumstances if you stay abroad for more than 3 months or 90 consecutive days.

Some case studies
Without going into too much detail, here are a few examples of the application and limits of the insurance offered by your bank card:
- Concerning the policyholder: This generally includes the cardholder, his/her spouse or partner, dependent children under 25 years of age for tax purposes, and ascendants and descendants.
- concerning the place of application of cover: The insurance cover applies more than 100 km from the home or usual place of work.
- duration of cover: Assistance coverage applies for the first 90 days of your stay. WARNING: if your stay exceeds 3 months, your “standard” credit card will not cover you.
- concerning the amount of healthcare costs covered: the ceilings offered by credit cards are derisory compared with the medical costs that can be incurred in some foreign countries, such as the USA, as are the deductibles. For example, with a €50 deductible, if a doctor’s consultation costs you €60, your credit card will only reimburse you between €0 and €10.
- assistance and repatriation benefits: PLEASE NOTE: with supplementary health insurance, the ceilings are not so low, which means that you are poorly covered in the event of major health problems, for which it is essential to be well covered.
- Concerning trip cancellation coverage: Trip cancellation coverage is not generally offered with “standard” cards.
- concerning flight or baggage delays: “Standard” cards generally offer no compensation.
- concerning stolen or damaged baggage: Standard cards do not compensate you for problems with your baggage.
- Third-party liability: Standard cards don’t cover you for third-party liability. Don’t forget that in the event of an accident, €1.5 million in some countries such as the United States goes very quickly between medical expenses, legal fees…etc.
- Death or disability benefit: The application of this benefit is generally subject to the use of your card to purchase your ticket.
Find out more about travel health insurance for your bank or credit card.