What's the difference between a CFE top-up and 1st euro insurance?
CFE (Caisse des Français de l’Etranger) insures you abroad with
social security ceiling coverage limits
France. We strongly recommend that you take out a complementary
assuming the outstanding balance at the end of the CFE repayment period
in the same way as a standard French complementary health insurance. In some
countries, such as the U.S. and countries with higher medical costs than Canada.
France, this is essential. Let’s take an example
Please understand: CFE reimbursements are limited to the following items
rates negotiated by the French social security system, taking 70% or 100% of the cost
depending on the case. For a consultation with a general practitioner whose
reimbursed by social security is limited to 25 euros, you will be
reimbursed by CFE 70% of this amount, i.e. 17.50 euros. If your
consultation was 60 euros or even 150 euros, you will still have to pay
load 60-17.50= 42.50 euros or 150-17.50= 132.50 euros. Visit
complementary CFE will reimburse the remaining part of your expenses
depending on the benefits you choose. Mondassur offers the GoldExpat contract for the 1st euro without CFE involvement or Goldexpat in addition to CFE.
with formulas offering variable reimbursement ceilings. These
insurance contracts to limit your out-of-pocket expenses
which can be very important for costly medical care.