Going abroad on a VIE

Are you a young person interested in working in the United States or elsewhere? Then the Volontariat International en Entreprise or VIE is for you!


It’s very difficult for young graduates to start their professional careers abroad. Thanks to the Volontariat International en Entreprise program, this is now accessible to everyone.

Created in 2001, the VIE program enables young people aged between 18 and 28 , whatever their level of education, to carry out assignments abroad for French companies over a period of 6 to 24 months. More than 15,000 people have already tried the experiment, 6,000 of whom are currently working abroad. Travel expenses, a monthly allowance (ranging from €1,100 to €2,900) and social security cover are paid by the company.

The United States is the first country to welcome V.I.E. students, with 655 currently on assignment. The chances of being hired by the company after an assignment are high: 70% of young people who have completed an assignment have subsequently been hired by the company, half of them abroad.

The top 3 sectors employing VIEs are banking, automotive and oil & gas. More and more companies are using the VIE program because of the benefits it offers. VIE positions are exempt from social security contributions, and the government handles the administrative side…

Benefits for the young graduate, benefits for the company: the VIE is a great opportunity for everyone. There are also two other forms: VIA (Volontariat International en Administration) and VIS (volontariat International Scientifique). There are no more excuses for not going abroad!

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