How much does expatriate insurance cost?

From the first of each year, many international health insurers increase their prices. Mondassur international health insurance prices increase in April for GoldExpat expatriate plans and for the majority of other Mondassur international insurances, increases are not systematic!
Why do I have to pay more each year for my international health insurance? Is travel insurance also on the rise? What about insurance for students abroad?
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Why do medical insurance prices rise every year?

If you’ve been an expatriate for several years, or are an avid traveler, you’ve no doubt noticed that the price of international health insurance is rising every year. Why the increase? The answer is very simple, and in fact common sense: inflation of course explains part of this increase, while significant economic development in certain geographical areas, the ageing of the population and the cost of medicine worldwide due to continuous technological improvement and medical research have an impact on overall medical costs. In order to be able to offer optimum care from top-quality facilities at all times, insurance companies have no choice but to keep pace with these developments, with appropriate premiums for quality international health insurance.

Is the increase in international medical insurance the same in every country in the world?

In some of the world’s fastest-growing regions, such as many Asian countries, the increase is particularly high. Singapore’s medical costs are very high compared to other Asian countries, such as Switzerland or, to a lesser extent, the United States. Medical costs are also rising sharply in China. The situation is less clear-cut, as the cost can vary considerably from one establishment to another.
The United States remains the most expensive country in terms of medical costs which continues to rise sharply every year, even faster than in other countries that manage to contain their country’s medical costs.

How can I pay less for expatriate insurance?

We offer a wide range of overseas health insurance plans to suit different needs and budgets, always with the most cost-effective cover. If you take out your insurance during the course of the year, you will benefit from our GoldExpat insurance rate on April 1 of the year, with an increase starting in April of the following year. Our advisors will help you find the most attractive international health insurance for you in terms of coverage and price, by carrying out different rate simulations depending on the options you choose. Depending on the country, it’s not always worthwhile taking out the most expensive insurance, but if you’re going to a country with high medical costs, such as the USA, the UK, Singapore or Hong Kong, this is highly recommended.

Why doesn’t my Mondassur travel insurance increase every year?

With travel insurance, you purchase your policy at a certain price and usually pay when you take out the policy. If the price of your travel insurance increases 2 days after you take out the policy, this will not affect your wallet , as you will already have taken out your travel insurance. Similarly, if your stay begins after the rate increase, if you took out your contract before the rate increase, you won’t have to pay the difference.
Mondassur informs you when we need to increase our travel insurance rates several weeks in advance so that you can benefit from a reduced rate before the international insurance increase.
The price of travel insurance rises regularly, but not necessarily every year like all other types of insurance. This depends on the various factors mentioned above and the compensation provided by your travel insurance.

Do you get a discount on insurance for students abroad through Mondassur?

We negotiate the most attractive international insurance rates with leading insurers to offer you a real alternative to a French complementary health insurance plan, which generally doesn’t cover you sufficiently abroad, or even not at all in some cases. That’s why our insurance for students abroad is particularly advantageous for you. For the USA in particular, Premium Extension insurance policies for international students are often two to three times less expensive than those offered by American institutions.

To find out more about our expatriate, student or travel insurance policies, adapted to every type of situation and at an exceptional price:

  • Are you planning an international trip of less than 1 year?
  • Do you need to move abroad?
  • Studying abroad?
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