To open up to new horizons, to cultivate oneself, to relax in idyllic surroundings, to discover the planet and its multitude of cultures… There are so many reasons why young people, and more particularly those of generation Y, travel to the four corners of the world. This generation travels more and more, but not necessarily on vacation, preferring short breaks, probably due to a lack of time.

With the start of working life, you no longer need mom and dad to take to the open seas. Phone in hand, bag on your back and off you go for new adventures! The market for young travelers is booming, and will reach nearly 300 million by 2020, according to forecasts by the World Tourism Organization. Andthere are plenty of opportunities for young people to build their confidence and enjoy a unique experience, whether it’s a short or long stay.
For long stays, there are the Working Holiday Program (WHV) and the Volontariat International en Administration (VIA). Short stays are favored by low-cost airlines and multiple travel packages (EasyJet, Ryanair, Hop, Interrail, etc.).
The 20-35 age group is a generation of globetrotters, who prepare their trips in no time thanks to the Internet, and for whom borders are no longer a barrier. Ultra-connected, they find the best transport and accommodation deals on websites and social networks, so they have more money to spend on local activities, restaurants and souvenirs. The most important thing for Generation Y is to be able to immerse themselves in the local culture and discover it as authentically as possible.
91% of them say they use the web to plan their trips, and make little use of traditional travel services.
There are many reasons for traveling, not least of which is for pleasure, but many also want to learn a language, gain work experience or simply study abroad.
Leaving is one thing, but it’s essential to take precautions, because a bad experience can happen quickly, and the processes are particularly complicated when it comes to health insurance. Leaving for 30 days, 3 months or even 1 year is not the same thing. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re covered for all situations.