French associations have been set up abroad to help French expatriates before, during and after their expatriation. These associations help maintain ties with France, and can make settling in easier by providing information or a network of local contacts.

We have compiled a list of associations grouped by field of activity.
Representation to public authorities
- Union des Français de l’étranger (UFE)
- Français du monde – ADFE (Association démocratique des Français à l’étranger)
Hosting abroad
- Fédération internationale des Accueils français et francophones à l’étranger (FIAFE)
- FIAFE federates more than 220 Accueils worldwide. The main aim of this network, run by volunteers, is to help French and French-speaking people make the most of their expatriation.
International teaching
- Alliance française
- National Association of French Schools Abroad (ANEFE)
- Fédération des associations de parents d’élèves des établissements d’enseignement français à l’étranger (FAPEE) (Federation of parents’ associations of French schools abroad)
Professional organizations
- The Federation of French Teachers Living Abroad (FPFRE)
- National Committee of French Foreign Trade Advisors (CNCCEF)
- Union of French Chambers of Commerce and Industry Abroad (UCCIFE)