5 steps to working abroad
Would you like to go abroad to an English-speaking country? With Anglify, discover the 5 steps to prepare for your departure.
5 steps to working abroad Read more
Would you like to go abroad to an English-speaking country? With Anglify, discover the 5 steps to prepare for your departure.
5 steps to working abroad Read more
When you’re an expatriate or a traveler, you need to find a solution for administrative management. Many questions arise about addresses and mail. Here’s a solution.
Your mail and parcels when you leave France Read more
People often talk about French expatriates abroad, but not much about the other way around. And yet, they have a lot to tell us about our society, and offer a refreshing view of it. Thanks to the survey “Expatriates in France: tell us about your life” carried out by Paris 21 in September 2014, we
Expatriates in France: their vision of the French way of life Read more
If you’re planning to send an employee to one of your subsidiaries abroad, you need to prepare for his or her departure and take all the necessary steps. Employee expatriation is not limited to work visa formalities. Supporting employees and their families, helping expatriates with language training… all this needs to be prepared in advance.
Preparing for your employee’s expatriation Read more
When you live abroad, you have the choice of taking out either private expatriate insurance that covers you in full, known as “au 1er euro”, or complementary CFE insurance. To help you make the right choice, here’s some information on how CFE and CFE-complementary insurance work. Why take out health insurance in addition to CFE?
How does complementary CFE insurance work? Read more
Preparing for your expatriation is essential to the success of your new life abroad. It’s essential to prepare in advance, especially if you’re moving with your spouse and children. Here are the main points to bear in mind. Learn about the culture of your host country Before leaving, we often think oflearning the language of
4 expat tips to prepare for your expatriation Read more
An employee who goes abroad for a few weeks or months is not necessarily seconded or expatriated. He or she is simply going on a professional assignment; his or her interests remain in his or her home country.
Health insurance for full remote workers Read more
Expatriation is the best way to reduce the gap between headquarters and subsidiaries. The expatriate therefore plays an essential intermediary role in standardizing the company’s culture, values and objectives.Nevertheless, expatriation contracts are expensive for companies… Determining the cost helps to validate the budget with all parties concerned. The company’s choice will be based on the
How much does it cost to send an employee abroad? Read more
Do you employ or need to employ people in one of your subsidiaries or on a customer’s site abroad? Which status is best for an employee abroad? How much does it cost to hire an employee abroad? What social protection do I need when traveling abroad? What are the employer’s obligations when an employee is
Having an employee work abroad: Complete guide Read more
International Experience Canada (IEC) is a program that enables foreigners to come to Canada for work or internship experience. There are three different programs under IEC: the Working Holiday Program (WHV), the Young Professionals Program and the International Co-op Internship.
How to expatriate to Canada with the EIC? Read more