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Which school should I choose for my children in London?

Avant votre emménagement à Londres, vous allez devoir faire des choix importants, comme le choix de votre assurance santé à Londres, le quartier où habiter ou l’école de vos enfants… Something to think about before you leave Le choix de l’école est toujours un des premiers sujets de préoccupation des familles expatriées lors de leur […]

Which school should I choose for my children in London? Read more

Japan Insurance

Que vous ayez décidé de partir au Japon pour des raisons professionnelles, personnelles, pour un stage ou des vacances, pensez à bien souscrire une assurance voyage ou une assurance santé expatrié pour vous et votre famille. Vous éviterez ainsi les risques financiers, sanitaires, et juridiques qui surviendraient de manière inattendue. Dans votre choix d’assurance internationale,

Japan Insurance Read more

Visa to study in France

Studying abroad can be one of the best decisions of your life. You’ll discover a new civilization, a new language and meet people from all over the world! You’re tempted to study in France, but the administrative formalities seem too daunting? Don’t panic, here are the key steps and a timetable for applying to university

Visa to study in France Read more

6 Tips for vacations abroad

Every year, around 25% of Europeans go abroad. What about you? Planning to travel abroad? Spend your vacations abroad? How do you travel with the Coronavirus? Remember to take out travel insurance for your vacations abroad! Here are some tips to help you travel abroad: Voyager avec le Coronavirus Find out more about the country

6 Tips for vacations abroad Read more

What type of insurance should you choose when studying or working abroad?

In a context of globalization, more and more young people are deciding to go abroad for a language exchange, an internship or professional training. It’s a great way to gain initial experience and master one or more foreign languages. However, you should be aware that you shouldn’t go abroad without adequate medical cover, whatever your

What type of insurance should you choose when studying or working abroad? Read more

Testimonial A&G Backpackers

Read what two globetrotters have to say: Amine and Ghita, two Moroccans who travel the world with their backpacks. A little presentation? A&G Backpackers is a Moroccan couple who love to travel. AG for Amine and Ghita. On the road, we celebrated our 30th and 28th birthdays respectively. What is your professional background? Amine studied

Testimonial A&G Backpackers Read more

Tourists flock to Rome

Since the announcement of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation, Rome has seen an increase in tourist bookings. Many people want to witness the official departure of the current Pope live, as well as the election of the new Pope next April. The flow of tourists to Rome depends in part on the Pope and his reputation.

Tourists flock to Rome Read more

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