Passport, Covid certificate and travel insurance to travel abroad
Do I need a passport or visa to travel? What is a sanitary passport or a travel authorization.
Passport, Covid certificate and travel insurance to travel abroad Read more
Do I need a passport or visa to travel? What is a sanitary passport or a travel authorization.
Passport, Covid certificate and travel insurance to travel abroad Read more
Singapore is an increasingly popular destination for our French-speaking expatriates. Singapore is one of Asia’s most popular destinations for expatriates. This city-state on an island at the tip of Malaysia’s peninsula is known the world over as synonymous with economic success. Its top-quality infrastructure, healthcare facilities, tourist attractions, local food… all these elements make Singapore
The situation of expatriates in Singapore Read more
Expatriation, while a great professional opportunity, is a temporary upheaval in a person’s life.Negotiating the terms of your expatriation will help you limit the potential obstacles that can arise when you leave to work abroad. Negotiating your status while abroad Your status depends on the length of your stay abroad and the company you will
Negotiating your expatriate salary Read more
The great adventure begins, your expatriation project becomes a reality! Deciding to expatriate is a choice that brings with it a multitude of changes in the lives of individuals and their loved ones. An ill-prepared expatriation can turn out to be a failure, leading to a hasty return to one’s country of origin. That’s why
Essential expatriation checklist Read more
Being surrounded by people is the key to a good experience!Expatriation means stepping into the unknown, confronting a different culture and living an extraordinary experience. Even so, after the first few months of discovery and wonder, it can sometimes be difficult to live away from your own culture. Yet there are ways to protect yourself
How do you develop your expatriate network? Read more
Expatriation is a unique and enriching experience that can bring a lot on a human level. You’ll have the opportunity to meet new people, discover a new way of life, boost your career… However, expatriation isn’t something you can improvise. You need to prepare your expatriation in detail. Here are the main points to bear
How to prepare for your expatriation Read more
In recent years, travel has taken on a whole new dimension, with an increasing emphasis on sustainable (responsible) tourism as opposed to mass tourism. The Covid health crisis has further reinforced this trend. This practice involves keeping the carbon footprint of travel as small as possible. It’s not just a question of pollution. There are
How to travel responsibly Read more
Studying abroad is almost every student’s dream: it’s an opportunity to travel, discover new horizons and cultures, learn a language and grow personally as you mature. It’s also a real asset on your CV, making it easier to find a job… In short, it’s a beneficial and unique experience that has nothing but advantages from
Our advice on studying abroad Read more
An expatriation to a high-risk or conflict zone requires more preparation than an expatriation. Expatriates are exposed to varying degrees of security risks and dangers, depending on the country concerned. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your expatriation in complete safety. Knowing the risks before moving abroad To begin with, study
How can you safely expatriate abroad? Read more
The PCR test is the best way of finding out if you are a carrier of Covid-19, and thus limiting its spread. It has become compulsory for travel abroad, and more and more countries require it. Some countries require a negative PCR test valid for a maximum of 72 hours before departure, while others require a PCR test on arrival. How much does a PCR test cost in France? Does the price of a PCR test vary from country to country?
How much does a PCR test for coronavirus cost? Read more