Children of expatriates have an above-average openness of mind, openness to others and ability to adapt. This cultural enrichment is a real asset.

Being French but having already lived in 3 different countries before the age of fifteen allows the child to adopt an expatriate culture, andeducation abroad is a real asset. Without feeling a sense of belonging, they take in a little of each culture. Discovering different cultures and ways of life gives the child an open mind. As they grow up, they’ll be able to make up their own minds and choose, with full knowledge of the facts, the country in which they want to live. It won’t be a country of adoption, but it will be his country, with a culture that suits him! In fact, despite what you might think, only 22% of expatriates’ children go on to become expatriates themselves.
For parents: expatriation, and even more so with a child, inevitably brings with it many things and unforeseen events to manage. Leaving with peace of mind and expatriate insurance is a great idea, and even essential. Visits to the doctor, hospitalization, pharmacy, dental and optical care will no longer be a problem with international health insurance! Whatever the country, whatever the medical costs, you’ll be reimbursed at 100% of actual expenses.
Many of the parents we interviewed said, “I waited until I had a problem during a previous expatriation to take out insurance. If I had to do it all over again, I would have taken one out from the start!
Now that you are informed, don’t delay in requesting your quote on the website.