What kind of insurance do I need to retire in the Dominican Republic?

Jul 18, 2024 12:08 PM 1 Answers General
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Hello, I'm going to the Dominican Republic for my retirement. What coverage do you offer for retired expatriates in the Dominican Republic?

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Jul 19, 2024


If you are planning to retire in the Dominican Republic, we offer two different expatriate retiree insurance policies. If you're under 65, we offer Gold Expat insurance, and Gold Visa Safe if you're between 65 and 75.

The Gold Expat policy is an excellent option, offering comprehensive cover, including optical and dental care.

Gold Visa Safe offers an intermediate level of cover, but is still suitable. What's more, it can be retained for life.

However, every situation is different, so don't hesitate to call or e-mail us for personalized advice. After all, it all depends on your budget and your expectations in terms of coverage. You can also get an online quote for your expatriate retiree insurance in the Dominican Republic!

Have a nice day!

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