An estimated 2 million to 2.5 million French expatriates are registered with the French consulate abroad. In reality, this figure is higher if you add up the number of unregistered expatriates, to come closer to 3 million French expatriates. More globally, with no less than 230 million people living in a country other than their own, figures from a recent study show that expatriation has become a normal part of the mobility landscape. If you too have the itch to move, if expatriation appeals to you but you don’t dare to take the plunge, here are 10 good reasons why you might just decide to do so.

Mastering a foreign language
“Fluent English”: who hasn’t dreamed of writing that on their CV and having it be true? And yes, the French and languages don’t mix. So many people write “fluent English” without necessarily managing a conversation.
With an expatriation, the question will no longer arise. It’s anopportunity to work on and perfect one or moreforeign languages. Depending on the country, you can learn the local language (a must if you want to fit in) and English, which remains the most widely spoken language in the world, whether through your professional life or by meeting other foreign expatriates. If you really want to make progress, here’s a word of advice: don’t just stick to the French.
Add to your CV
As we mentioned in the previous point, a foreign language is already a significant plus on your CV. But the experience itself represents a professional enrichment and says a lot about your personality. It shows that you’re mobile, open-minded and unafraid of change– qualities that recruiters look for.
Seize new professional opportunities
Employment in France is not at its best at the moment, and some countries offer more opportunities for people with atypical backgrounds, or those who are simply too young to take up positions of responsibility in France, but who are ready to put their heart and soul into their work. If you’re unemployed, or a recent graduate, then going abroad can help you find a job more easily.
If it’s your employer who’s suggesting you move abroad for work, it’s probably to offer you a position with greater responsibilities or to move up the hierarchy. Jump at the chance! To refuse would be to deprive yourself of an incredible opportunity to accelerate your career.
A more attractive salary
If you have the opportunity to work as an expatriate for your company, then you’re likely to enjoy a very comfortable salary, as well as local accommodation.
If you’re going for both personal and professional experience, you may be able to find a better-paid position in the same country, but be sure to check the cost of living in that country before diving headlong into your project. Remember to take into account the cost of rent and housing, which in some countries are higher than in France.
Open up to new cultures
When you expatriate, you’ll discover a whole new culture!
Starting with the language, history, customs, food and mores of your chosen country. It’s a chance to see the world through new eyes, and approach situations differently. You’re bound to have new experiences that will open up new horizons and change your approach to certain situations.
People won’t necessarily think the way you do. Being open-minded will help you understand this new culture and adapt better.
Towards a better quality of life
If you feel that your life is moving at 100 km/hour, that you’re not enjoying anything, that you’re not fulfilled in your current life: the individualism, the lack of exchange and sharing: it’s all weighing on you. The hectic city life no longer suits you. Perhaps you simply need to move to another region, but it could also be abroad that you find your happiness, and expatriation can restore your taste for small pleasures. If you don’t want to idealize your dream country, it may be more to your liking.
A change of scenery and climate
Rediscover the pleasure of activities after your working day: surfing, sport, beach… Why not give yourself the opportunity of a year-round vacation lifestyle?
Where you live and the weather have a big influence on your morale. The problems of everyday life will be more quickly erased if you have an idyllic life behind you: sun, nature. On the other hand, sometimes what you’ve idealized all your life turns out not to be what you’re looking for. So be sure to analyze your priorities before choosing your destination. Expatriation is not a trivial decision that you make overnight.
Open your mind to your children
We’re talking about enrichment for you, but if you have a family, it’s an opportunity for your children to benefit from this cultural mix, to learn several languages. The experience of living in another country will give them an open-mindedness that will serve them well for the rest of their lives.
Only the return to France can be difficult, being cut off from friends on the spot, even if today’s numerous instant messaging services enable you to keep in touch quickly with the whole world.
Meet new people
Going away means making new friends. It’s an opportunity to exchange ideas, learn and be enriched by others. Whether it’s with locals or foreign expats, the more open and sociable you are, the more friends you’ll make. Arriving in a new country will inevitably push you to be more open.
Conversely, you’ll also learn to go out on your own, as you’re bound to have evenings when you don’t know what to do. It’s another way of discovering new places and meeting new people.
Shake up your routine
Even if everyone says they’re “running away from it”, a routine always sets in. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s a comfort in which we wallow. So don’t wait too long to shake up your daily routine. Taking a step back from your life and stepping away from it to live a new experience will only be more enriching for you.
All these factors are real reasons to expatriate, but the decision must be carefully considered. Expatriation also means taking risks, so it’s up to you to be well prepared. And don’t forget that for a successful expatriation, it’s essential to take out international health insurance.